Chao's Garden Mod

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Welcome to the Chao's Garden Mod, where Minecraft now acquires a whole new world, a world of the most cutest, and absolutely ADORABLE creatures, Chaos! Chao's are magical pixie-like creatures, which most may now from the classic worldwide game Sonic Adventure 2, a specific part of the game where you are able to hatch, raise, and own Chao's and so that is what is added into this mod, where you are able to the same. Please scroll down for more info!



 These adorable little creatures are now added into YOUR Minecraft world, coming in three different types: Regular, Dark, and Hero,

Regular Chao: This is the basic Chao, which comes in a variety of colors, each fighting in their own unique way, and provides a surprising special effect towards you dependant on the color which you can right-click to activate. They can be found in the Chao's Garden Biome. Now, they are VERY protected of each other and their Garden, so may sure you don't hit thm unless they are tamed! Which if right-clicked with a bone they can be!

Dark Chao: These are Dark Chao's, Chao's composed of negative energy. These also come in a variety of colors, fighting in a unique style as well. They can be found in the Dark Chao Garden. Now, they are VERY protected of each other and their Garden, so may sure you don't hit thm unless they are tamed! Which if right-clicked with a bone they can be!

Hero Chao: The rarest and strongest of them all. This Chao is a very rare, a strong Chao, so rare that they can only be found being held captive, in a temple guarded by the Guardian of Chao, Chao's Zero. They actually have three types. Hero, Solar Hero, and Lunar Hero. Both found in rare to be found floating temples.

All Chao has 10 health.

Chaos or Chaos 0: This is the Great Guardian of Chao's, watching over Chaos of many. It is a boss in the mod and is very strong having a health of 150 and an attack power of 6, dropping 500 experience points when beaten, this is only the beta of the boss and more will come of it when an update occurs. It can only be found in the Temple of Chaos and it guards the Hero Chao.



Solar Hero Chao Sky Spire: This is where you can find the very rare Solar Hero Chao. It is usually in the Sky all around the world, and very rare to find.

Lunar Hero Chao Sky Spire: This is where you can find the very rare Lunar Hero Chao. It is usually in the Sky all around the world, and very rare to find.

Temple of Chaos: This is a rare Floating temple that you will find in your world, it holds the findings to the Legendary Hero Chao, and in it dwells the God of Chao, Chaos 0. You might find some captives there, what will you do? Leave them, or free them.



Crystal Grass: It is a dirt block compacted of many crystal shards, so compact that it takes a little while to mine, and you can smelt it to get crystal shards.

Crystal Ore: An ore that can only be found in the Garden of Chao and can only be mined by diamond tools. 

Chao Fruit Leaves, coming in Normal, and Purple, dropping a variety of different Chao Fruit Seeds!

||New Items, Weaponry, and Armor||


Crystal: A new gem, and item is found within Crystal Ore, and you can also get it by the use of crystal shards.

Crystal Shard: A very sharp shard of crystal that can only be found in the Garden of Chao and can only be found in crystal dirt.

Crystal Armor: This is a new armor made out of Crystal, and the strongest armor in the game with the mod.

Crystal Sword: A Sword made out of Crystal, having an attack speed of 1.6 and attack damage at 9. Being the strongest sword in the game with the mod.

Crystal Dagger: A Dagger made out of Crystal, having an attack speed of 1.6 and attack damage at 6. Being stronger than the wooden sword up to iron but weaker than a diamond sword in the game with the mod. You can also create a Throwing Dagger by placing it in your crafting table and throw it at enemies with a knockback of 1.


Green Chao Fruit: This is a fruit you can obtain by growing it with Green Chao fruit Seeds, it has the least nutrition.

Teal Chao Fruit: This is a fruit you can obtain by growing it with Teal Chao fruit Seeds, it has the Third most nutrition.

Orange Triangle Chao Fruit: This is a fruit you can obtain by growing it with Orange Triangle Chao fruit Seeds, it has the Second most nutrition.

Majenta/Purple Heart Chao Fruit: This is a fruit you can obtain by growing it with Purple/Majenta Heart Chao fruit Seeds, it has the most of all nutrition.


Model Creator|| Lil_Spinel: I cannot, I do not have a word to describe the love and people who have helped me, Thank you SO Very much for all that have done for me, as this person is absolutely BREATHTAKING! and astonishing and has helped me too much. Please never, EVER EVER! Forget how absolutely breathtaking you are.

Creations: Chao Fruits, Solar, and Lunar Sky spires.



Minecraft mod files
Chao's Garden Mod 1.12.2 v. 0.1.jar - This is the first version of the mod that came out. More updates will be included in the upcoming versions. Uploaded on: 12/28/2019 - 18:08   File size: 4.4 MB

You're a fan of chao too? If you really love them, you should check out the Chao Island website, they have a discord server too.

Sounds interesting but can you please upload some pictures of mod features :)