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Aftermine 1.2.2

Full Guide (up to the end of the Ethereal for now)

  1. Have jei downloaded. As with most mods, jei is recommended /required. 
  2. Press B. The early game to mid game is guided for you already in the form of the radio. This is also how most of the story is shown.
  3. Get to the nether. You are going to want to get through the early stages of vanilla minecraft. As of 1.2.1 not much is changed in the early game, but who knows with future updates(hint 1.3 hint)
  4. Mine obsidian. You will want to get Obsidian tools.
  5. Mine fire quartz, blue quartz, glowstone, and normal quartz.
  6. Find a nether arena. This holds the spawner for the Nether Core, the first boss. You don't have to fight it yet.
  7. The Nether arena will have an Obsidian Idol which is used to spawn the Nether Core. It needs fire quartz to work. It will come with 3 already. 
  8. Prepare. Get more armor. The fight is based around iron armor. Upgrade your obsidian sword with fire quartz to do more melee damage. You are also going to need a bow.
  9. Make last preparations. have arrows and armor ready.
  10. The Big fight. Take the fight to the Nether Core.
  11. Pickup the loot from the Nether core and craft the Lava Diver suit. If you don't have enough, you have to fight the core again
  12. Make Blue quartz blocks and craft nether dust with nether materials.
  13. Upgrade your obsidian pickaxe with Nether core Drops
  14. Setup the Ethereal Portal. Its made with Blue quartz and the Ethereal Power Core.
  15. Explore. There is a lot of cool stuff in the Ethereal for you to find.
  16. Mine cryo Crystals and Crystone.
  17. Search for opals in the underground Ethereal or search on the surface on top of crystone blocks.
  18. Make an Opal Saber. These are strong swords used to fight the final boss of this guide.
  19. Craft the Ethereal Ender Core. This is used to summon the Ethereal Enderman, the final boss of the Ethereal(for now).
  20. Make a flat area for an Arena. Doesn't have to be in the Ethereal. A flat area is useful for all of the bosses in this mod.
  21. Use the Arena to fight the Ethereal Enderman. The Ethereal Enderman Uses Cryo blasts to fight your, while you block his blasts he creeps up to you to melee you. You want to take turns switching from hitting him with your Opal saber and shooting him down. While guarding with your shield because you dont want to be knocked around by him.
  22. And thats it! That is the end of this guide for now. I will be adding more as I work more.




* my discord for the mods I make *




-The Story-

Open the radio to progress story.

Basically you have amnesia and are crash landed on a foreign planet and you need to improve your world so your old planet.

progresses when you mine stone, mine iron, mine diamond, use a computer, go to the nether, kill the Obsidian elemental, go to the ethereal, and kill the ethereal enderman.




Minecraft mod files
Aftermine 1.2.2_1.14.4.jar - Aftermine 1.2.2. The Retexture and Reworking Update Uploaded on: 04/23/2020 - 18:40   File size: 2.07 MB
Aftermine 1.1.1_1.14.4.jar - Aftermine 1.1.1_1.14.4 The name change Update Uploaded on: 04/14/2020 - 19:44   File size: 1.84 MB
Expansion+ Rem. 1.0.0.jar - Expansion+ 1.0.0. The Remastering Update. Uploaded on: 02/04/2020 - 22:47   File size: 916.15 KB
Expansion+ 1.1.jar - Expansion+ 1.1.0. The Crag Update. Uploaded on: 03/04/2020 - 03:04   File size: 1.36 MB

Obsidian Pickaxe, mining level 4

Glass pickaxe, has fortune, low durability

Circuit board, made with redstone and iron.

Computer mostly useless right now and only progresses story, but in future it will be more useful.

Prospecter's  pickaxe, more furtune, less durability.

Community items, suggested items by community members that earn it by asking in my discord.

Blue quartz, found in big chunks in the nether

Blue Quartz block, made with blue quartz

Nether quartz, found rarely in nether.

Nether dust, fire quartz, blue quartz, and glowstone combined into a dust

The obsidian core, summons Obsidian elemental

Obsidian Elemental, gateway to alot of Expansion+ content. Drops nether gem and the Eye of the Ethereal.

Lava Diver suit, better than diamond, craftable after the Obsidian Elemental

Obsidian Sword, 8 damage

Flamecore Obsidian Sword, upgrade to the obsidian sword, made with nether gems. 9 damage

Fire Crystal Pickaxe, mining level 5, made by obsidian pickaxe and fire quartz

Multiterial Pickaxe, made from obsidian, emeralds, and redstone, very fast, low harvest level.

The Ethereal Power core, made by nether dust and the eye of the ethereal.

    -The Ethereal-

portal made with Blue quartz blocks and lit by the Ethereal Power Core

Ethereal stone, main block in Ethereal, drops ethereal cobblestone.

Ethereal grass, different color based on biome

Ethereal Trees, different color based on biome, can find dragon fruit in trees which give potion effects.

Crystone, patches found around the surface

Opals, found inside crystone.

Cryo crystal, found in patches on surface, drops cryo gems

Whispering Bones, skeleton type mob that holds an obsidian blade.

Ethereal Ender core, made with an enderpearl, cry stone, and cryo crystals.

The Ethereal Enderman, an enderman which traveled to the ethereal, got smart and formed an army. Strong boss with melee and ranged attacks. Drops cryo gems.

Ethereal Plains, Ethereal army can be found here(WIP). Can find opals and cryo gems here

Ethereal Plateau, Ethereal army can be found here(WIP). Can find opals and cryo gems here

Ethereal Highlands, can find opals and cryo gems here

Ethereal Scorched Plains, fire based, fire crystal blocks found here give large amounts of fire quartz


-1.0.1 and 1.0.2, might be formatted weird as this is taken from my discord( btw)

-Cryo Blade, made by cryo gems

-Ethereal Berry, not good for you but really easy to eat

-Ethereal berry bush, drops 3 berries

-Ethereal Tall Grass, spawns in ethereal plains, plateau, and highlands

-Ethereal Grass buds, smaller grass, exactly the same as tall grass just smaller

-Ender Bloom, found in surface and Ethereal, drops one ender shard.

-Cragstone, does nothing atm and cant be found anywhere. Does nothing. for now..

-Ender shard. 8 makes 1 enderpearl

-Ethereal Lapis and Emerald ores

-Ethereal Melon, grows in trees

-Lightning flower, grows in Ethereal

-Rose Quartz, useless atm but will be important.

-Multiple Bug fixes, including grass being broken getting dropped.

-Ethereal Bloom, rare flower that drops ender pearls

-Fire Flower, flower found in the scorched plains in the Ethereal

-Lightning Paste, made from Lightning flowers

-Charged Rose Quartz, made from rose quartz and lightning paste

-Rose Quartz Block, made from charged Rose Quartz

-Ghost biome, found in ethereal -Ghost grass,

-Netherrack sand

-Ball of Lightning, crafted from diamonds and lightning paste

-Lightning Blade, made from balls of lightning, cryo gems and lightning paste

-Bar of Life, crafted from Iron, diamond, gold, leaves, and nether dust.

-Earth, a sword made from bars of life and cryo gems

-Ethereal Enderman Rematch, able to be fought when Ancient nether god stage 1 is killed. Summoned the same way the 1st stage is summoned.

-Ancient Nether God, when first stage is killed and the Devil's Anguish hasn't been crafted before, he deems you unworthy and walk away. If the first stage is killed, and the devil's anguish is crafted, and the ethereal enderman stage 2 is killed, the second stage can be fought.

-Demon Soul, dropped by Zombie Pigman after the Ancient Nether god stage 1 killed.

-Devil's Anguish, combination of Cryo Blade, Lightning blade, Earth, and a demon soul.


 1.1, might be formatted weird as this is taken from my discord( btw)

-Core of the Underworld. a way to spawn Ancient Nether God in survival, meaning it is now possible to progress farther in the game in survival mode.

-Drugged potion effect, you see rainbows on your screen when you have it.

-Crimson Dye. Made from Ethereal berries in furnace.

-Crimson Quartz, made from charged rose quartz and crimson dye.

-Charged Crimson Quartz, made from 1 demon soul and 4 crimson quartz. makes 4 of them.

-Crimson Quartz Block

-The Crag dimension. A dimension that is accessible when the Ancient Nether God is killed.

-Crag stone, base stone in the Crag.

-Glowing Cragstone, glows.

-Blue Glowing Cragstone, glows blue.

-Crag Plains, base biome in Crag.

-Cobalt, found in the crag.

-Cobalt Sword, 25 atk damage

-Cobalt Pickaxe, 7 harvest Level

-Demon, mob in crag, 100 health, 20 attack. -Demon Flesh. Dropped by Demon. Dont eat it..

-Heros Katana renamed to Legend Katana -Rift Blade, upgrade to Legend Katana, made with rift souls and Legend Katana.

-Cryo Armor, crafted post Ethereal Enderman.

-Supreme Demon, 500 health, 25 damage, mini boss in Crag. Drops the Viribus item.

-Hero's Blade, 35 Damage -Nights Sky, sword, 40 damage.

-Creatium Stone, for future use but is useless at this time.

-Basalt. Found in crag, mined with cobalt pickaxe

-Brim Idol, Spawns Supreme Demon.

-The Core dimension. Can be visited when a portal made of basalt is lit using Viribus

-Nightmare, strong mob found inside the core.

-Demon Scale, dropped by demons.

-Enhanced Demon Scale, dropped by Supreme Demon.

-Nightmare Fuel, dropped by Nightmare mobs.

-Magic ingot, made with cobalt and Nightmare fuel.




-Corrock, rock similar to granite. Commonly found in the Overworld.

-Corrock, Polished corrock, Ethereal stone, Ethereal stone bricks, Crag stone, Crag stone brick, Basalt and Basalt stone brick stairs, walls and slabs. (About 20 new blocks)

-Stone Cutter compatibility for all stone types

-Ball of Fire, remote explosion. Explodes where ever you point.

-Crag Diamond

-Crag Iron

-Ethereal Diamond

-Pink Hibiscus

-Hot pink dye

-Hot pink Wool

-Crimson Wool

-The Horde, giant groups of horde zombies spawn at night.

-Legendary Items

-Lapis Singularity, Gives you Lapis when used. 1 in 10000 chance to drop from Lapis Zombie

-Broken Hilt, can be crafted into the Legendary Hero's Blade with Lapis Singularity. Drops with a 1 in 1000 chance from horde zombies.

-Legendary Heros Blade, crafted with Broken hilt and Lapis Singularity. Does 60 damage.


-_-Creative mode only features-_-

These are future features that aren't entirely complete/balanced that are technically in the game but aren't accessible from survival mode

-The Abyss. A water themed dimension with dangerous creatures and biological nightmares. Dive deep into the depths to find strong weapons and even stronger weapons.

-Abyss Grass, move slowly on it. Can house bugs.

-Mud, found in overworld swamps now, but is also found in the Abyss.

-Marsh Oak wood logs and planks.

-Marsh Leaves

-Abyssal Sands

-Marine Stone


-Abyss Beetle, bites your ankles. Spawns All over the Abyss

-Abyssal Leech,  Spawns in shallow waters.


-Abyss Marsh, mainland of the Abyss. the ground is muddy and has bugs around.

-Abyssal Beach, Spawns next to Abyss Marsh. Has Abyssal Sand on the ground.

-Abyssal Shallows, spawns next to the Abyssal Beach. Spawns leeches.

-Abyss Island Shore, spawns next to the Abyssal Shallows, has abyssal sands on floor.

-Abyss Island, spawns next to the Abyss Island Shore. Has beetles on floor.

-Hurricane, event that puts the world in darkness and thunderstorms. Multiple monsters are stronger during this time.

4/23/20 - 1.2.1 released.

-Obsidian Elemental Removed

-about 65 retextures to fit with the new 1.14.4 textures.

-Cryo crystal block replaced with a 3D retexture and remodel.

- Legendary weapons reworked. Legendary Hero's sword, rift soul dagger and the Blood Butcherer are legendary weapons right now with a 250 drop chance from their respective monsters. They are all less op and only do a little more than weapons from their stage of the game.

-Onyx. Doesn't do much now but Onyx allows me to continue adding progression after the Core.

-Life crystals. Rare crystal found deep underground in Ethereal. Same tier as Onyx.

-Nether Arena. New structure similar to a small nether fortress. Comes with an obsidian Idol, which is a spawner for the new boss that replaces the Obsidian Elemental.

-The Nether Core. A new boss that replaces the Obsidian Elemental. Less health than Obsidian Elemental but it hovers in the air will blasting you with nether blasts.

-Nether Gauntlet. Rare drop from The Nether Core. Does 2 damage but has no hit cool down.

-Ether Pearl, teleports you to where you point instantly

-Flame wood, fire colored wood found in the Crag.

-Ash wood, Grey colored wood found in the Crag.

-Lots of behind the scenes work with procedures for future updates.

-Congrats you read this far. Here is a hint for 1.3. The next update will be the quest update and every world will have a structure at 0, 0 that will be the hub for all things quest related.

Hey Everyone! I am taking a short break from this mod to work on my terraria based mod, TMod. the 1.1.1 update for Expansion+ is about 3/4 done, and will be worked on and released when the 1.0 update for TMod comes out.

Never mind the last post, I have a couple more important updates. I am going through a name change for Expansion+ as I felt that the name Expansion+ was a little boring. Now, when the 1.1.1 Update Releases, Expansion+ will be renamed, Aftermine. TMod is still being worked on pretty hard. 2 bosses are complete and I plan to release TMod pretty soon! Thanks for listening.

Cool Remasterization! also can you put in the description weapons,blocks,etc what they do. it will help the mod page to be greater!