Published by dansamy on
Upvotes: 22
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1000 downloads! THANKS!!!

Thanks everybody for your 1000 downloads! im really happy that one mod of mine manages to get that much people playing with it, and i can´t really thank you enough!

Anyways, the description continues down here 

No it doesn´t, past me.

 I want to thank everybody. Those are 2.000 right there! I can´t tell how i did this and im so amazingly greatful, for remembering this mod makes me happy :). Cant make an image right now, but when i can i will. Also, i want to remind you that this mod accepts ideas, dont be scared of writing down there a new disaster to make crazy destruction!

A lot of thanks and Happy Christmas!

Now the description does continue

Still doesn't hahaha

Anyways, this is incredible: 3.000 downloads?!?!

I can't let this pass by like the 2.000, so here we go... I'm making an update! Please, deposit your disaster ideas down below in the comments. As always, they will all be customizable with your own blocks, even modded ones. So there we go, please this time do say ideas, cuz otherwise I'm not gonna be able to do anything.

A lot of thanks! Here is the description.

Ever wanted to destroy the world with a lot of stuff that makes natural disasters happen? Well, that´s a bit scary, but this is the mod you are searching for?








DROUGHT GENERATOR (its a little laggy so be careful)


THEN THE VOID, SPACE AND BLACK HOLE BLOCKS (they dont have anything special, just some blocks to make your disasters look cool :3)


If you ask me for my favourites, then they are the meteor generator and the volcano generator. They were so simple to make and they look awesome!


I hope you liked this mod, and that you use it in minigames or other things (i dont recomend it for a survival). Press the upvote button, althoug i dont know what it does, and comment if you want to ask something :D


If someone wants to know how to make a tsunami, then they only need to ask and i´ll tell them, but please if you publish the mod put my account in the description or in the ¨Proyect roles¨

Thanks! Hope you enjoy!

Minecraft mod files
Natural Disasters.jar Uploaded on: 04/04/2020 - 12:39   File size: 163.84 KB

So I was working with the tsunami concept in my global warming mod, so I have a pretty good Idea of how it works. What if you made a custom fluid that, after a set amount of time, disappeared, making it look like one big wave instead of a full flood?

im either blind or stupid because i cant find the minecraft version...

It's very simple! I thought that the image was enough explanation, though...
You just take the tsunami generator you want to create, then put under the generator the block you want to make a tsunami of (like if you put under the generator a lapis lazuli block, the disaster will be made of lapis lazuli blocks)

Also, very important (and obvius) thing: DO NOT CREATE TWO DISASTERS OF THE SAME TYPE AT THE SAME TIME
I did the water tsunami generator and the lava tsunami generator especially for that, so don't so it with the others!

Wow, since the lady time i commented something, 200 people have downloaded my mod :3. Im really Happy, a lot of thanks. For now, i can only say i cant update the mod, at least for now. Thanks for understanding, bye!