Room built from some of the blocks
Magmatic Foundation
A mod that I made up from couple of my ideas, still in the early development stage, will be updating it.
How to obtain all things:
- Magmatic tools, fragments, shards
- Smooth obsidian and obsidian brick
- Magma brick
- Light essence and shadow torch
- Basalt
Magmatic tools
The main feature of this mod is the magmatic tools. To make them, you need to mine a lot of obsidian and magma blocks.
To make the magmatic ingot needed by the tools, you need to craft magmatic fragments, which are composed from 3 magma shards.
To obtain magma shards, you first need to put obsidian into your crafting grid to make 4 obsidian shards:
Then, you need to combine these with 5 magma blocks to create shards:
Great! Now you need quite a lot of these to craft ingots, but it's worth it - the tools you're about to make are AWESOME!
Now, craft magmatic fragments by joining 8 shards with obsidian:
Now, FINALLY, you need to create three of these for a single finest magma ingot.
ALSO: Don't craft all of them into ingots, some recipes like the sword needs fragments as well as the ingots!
Whoah. Overall, to craft one ingot of magma you need 27 obsidian and 120 (64+56) magma blocks.
Worth it? I don't know...
Obsidian Tool Rod and Sword Mount
Magmatic tools use obsidian rods instead of wooden sticks, because wooden sticks would have burned!
Obsidian rod is crafted like this:
Obsidian sword mount is, as the name suggests, needed only for the magmatic sword.
It's crafted like this:
Magmatic Pickaxe, Axe, Shovel and Hoe
Simple crafting recipes, similar to vanilla ones.
The shovel is the only one that is built diagonally:
Magmatic Sword
The sword deals whopping 17 base damage, enough to kill a creeper in a single crit.
Obsidian blocks
Smooth obsidian
Just put two obsidian blocks, and you get four modernistic smoothened obsidian!
If you piece those four together, you can make less modern but more medieval-style bricks!
Magma brick
Magma bricks are made out of two base materials used to make tools:
You can also make the magma wall:
Light essence and shadow torch
Light essence is made out of two glowstone dust.
You can make some shadow torches with it (They're buggy, but they work if you just have them on the floor)
You can find basalt deep underground, on the level that diamonds generate in, but it's much more abundant.
Smooth basalt is pretty smooth indeed...
And bricks are pretty divided and smooth. (Made from 8 smooth basalt not to be confused)
That's pretty much it, thanks for downloading and checking it out for yourself :)