Stuuf: Community Suggestions

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The Stuuf mod is a mod that adds community suggestions from the Feedback website.

Here are some of the features (currently, as this mod will continue to be updated) included in this mod.

Fruit Trees:

Pear and orange trees will now generate within your Minecraft world. These allow you to collect and eat oranges and pears, and regrow these trees.

Palm Trees:

Palm trees will generate in the desert, and can be turned into palm planks, stairs and slabs.


Backpacks can be crafted with 4 leather, a lead and a chest. They have four slots, and can store one item per slot, so no stacks. However, by adding a diamond above the chest in the crafting, you can get a diamond backpack, which has 8 slots, and can hold a stack of up to 16. By adding a honey bottle to the crafting, you get a sticky backpack, which has 2 slots and can hold up to 64 items.

Fried/Boiled Eggs:

You can put eggs on a campfire, and they will become fried eggs, putting them into a smoker or furnace. You can also make scrambled eggs, with 2 fried eggs and a bowl.


It's literally just a boomerang.

Cherry Blossom Grove:

A new biome where you can find cherry blossom trees, cherries, and use cherry oak wood to create cherry oak planks.

Bandit Outpost:

Bandit outposts generate in the deserts and contain amazing loot, as well as vindicators and pillagers.

Minecraft mod files
stuuf.2.jar Uploaded on: 07/04/2020 - 02:45   File size: 282.04 KB

i love the palm wood texture :)
you could make the boomerang detect when it hits a mob or block, then run a procedure to give the item back to the player.

maybe also add a new, more powerful pillager to guard the loot in the bandit outpost that also drops relatively good loot? i love the idea of the sticky backpack!

also maybe add more things to the fruits? some ideas:
- all fruits can be made into "jam" by combining them in a crafting table or "jammaking table" with a bowl and sugar.
- pear or other bottom-heavy fruit - has gravity, deals damage when it falls on a mob. also leaves a humourous pear splash on the mob's head.
- orange - peel can be made into jam that gives more saturation than normal jams.
- banana - when eaten, leaves a peel, which causes mobs to slip when walking on them.
- some mobs who like fruit.