INFINITE: Electronics

Published by nebula on
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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0
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Infinite: Electronics is a tech mod that adds realistic electrical components and machines.

The mod adds:

2 New blocks: [13 w/snapshots]

        Indium Ore

        Germanium Ore

        Dead Wood (Planks, stairs, fence...) [Snapshot]

        Red Phosphoric Netherrack [Snapshot]

        Phosphor Bronze Block [Snapshot]

27 New Items [44 w/snapshots]

22 Advancements [25 w/snapshots]

4 New Crafting Blocks:

         Coin Scrapper

         PCB Milling Machine 

         Recycler [Snapshot]

         Research Table [Snapshot]

Getting Started:

Getting started in this mod is fairly simple. Instead of ore generation to get copper and tin, you need a coin scrapper and some copper and bronze coins. To get them, you need to either kill a zombie, villager, or zombie villager. Zombie villagers yield the highest chance of dropping bronze coins, which when scrapped give 2 tin scrap and 1 copper scrap. Copper coins give 2 copper scrap. An alternative way of getting coins is scrapping gravel which has a random chance of giving a copper or bronze coin. After that you can start crafting components.


This mod is in early development and suggestions are always welcome.


Stay tuned for daily updates!

Minecraft mod files
infinite_electronics.jar - 1.15.2 .JAR file (Latest Release) Uploaded on: 03/24/2021 - 21:43   File size: 209.93 KB
infinite_electronics1.1ie02.jar - 1.15.2 .JAR file (Latest Snapshot) Uploaded on: 03/27/2021 - 03:01   File size: 549.95 KB

3/26/2021 10:06PM CST

Release Snapshot 1.1ie02


-Added Phosphor bronze! (And no, it's not a stance)

-Added Phosphor bronze ingot blueprint

-Added Block of phosphor bronze

-Added Phosphor bronze tools and armor (Durability and strength of iron, enchantability and efficiency of gold!)

-Plant? (If you can find it)


-Dead wood does not burn

-OpAmp blueprint and circuit are now rare items

-Redstone adapter blueprint and circuit are now rare items


3/25/2021 5:57PM CST

Release Snapshot 1.1ie01


-Added Tier 2 battery

-Added "Coppertop" Advancement for getting a tier 2 battery

-Added Recycler

-Added "Eco-Friendly" Advancement for getting the recycler

-Added "Recycle the Recycler to Recycle the Recycler..." Advancement for recycling your recycler

-Added Red phosphoric netherrack

-Added Red phosphorus powder

-Added Dead Tree which generates in the Nether

-Added Dead Wood, Log, Planks, Leaves, Stairs, Slab, Fence, and Fence Gate

-Added Research table

-Added OpAmp blueprint

-Added Amplifier circuit

-Added Redstone adapter blueprint

-Added Redstone Adapter


-Changed LED recipe (replaced rose red dye with red phosphorus powder)

-Changed Recipes for the jukebox, daylight sensor, observer, note block, piston, dropper, and dispenser (incorporates the redstone adapter in some way)

-Changed PCB Mill UI to support new blueprints



Release 1.0

Hey everyone, so I am cancelling daily updates because I have ultimately run out of ideas for this mod and might come back to it later. I just haven't had a lot of inspiration for it and if you have any ideas please let me know I'm desperate.


I can't use the mod because my computer doesn't have Minecraft, so I don't know what's included, but gold is a great real life conductor, maybe add some crazy machines (like fireball shooting drones or mechs) where you need gold pieces (like wiring, energy emitters, etc.).