Vinheim Primary School

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Your revive has been witnessed and reported by your roommate, then the Vinheim sorcerers exiled you to another world. 

Now try searching for textbooks and references in minecraft, as well as local magic schools.

forget that, this mod simply adds some soul-like items in minecraft.




sorcerer's catalyst

To use a sorcery
1. /gamemode creative (sorceries will be added in survival mode later)
2.  light a bonfire, stay close to fire
3.  press Key 0, set textbooks or references in the left attunement slot, and confirm
4.  press Key 1 to select the next slot, press Key 0 to check the attunement slot
5. use Sorcerers' Catalyst.



Shoot a slash of soul. It is a short-range spell.

I cannot despawn the item entity 



Shoot a long-range, gravity-free magic cluster. pierce 1 target.

I set vx vy vz on spawn, this living entity reluctant to move



Shoot a heavy magic axe, reduce 3 enemy armor in 100 ticks.

but how to get this axe to spin, how to get the player to recoil?



Deal 0 damage, but 100 ticks poisoning effect.



Launch a primed TNT, and deal 30 points damage to Sorcerers's Catalyst.





To use a pyromancy (New)
1. /gamemode creative (miracle will be added in survival mode later  )
2.  light a bonfire, stay close to the fire
3.  press Key 0, set textbooks or references in the left attunement slot, and confirm
4.  press Key 1 to select the next slot, press Key 0 to check the attunement slot
5. use the Pyromancy Flame





Blink to avoid melee attack in 600 ticks up to 3 times.

Log location when use. If the player died, this effect cancels the death event and set HP to 1, then teleport them to the logged location, and remove all effect and fall distance.


enforce falling

Enforce falling:

Override fall distance of entities in the close front area. Hold mouse longer to deal more damage, up to 9 blocks.

Will not anger piglin. Can not hurt chicken.

flare barrier

Flare barrier:

Block all projectiles around the player, including the player's arrows, unless they are fully charged.




Give player 600 ticks Blindness & Slowness & ResistanceII

sync touchBOOOOOOM

Sync touch:

When currently selected attunement slot is Synctouch in, Sneak, and Left-click clock by Pyroflame in mainhand to select the sync block.

Players can Right-click selected block by use Sync touch, within 48 blocks distance.


fire ball


a classical pyro








preacher's chime

To use a miracle
1. /gamemode creative (miracle will be added in survival mode later  )
2.  light a bonfire, stay close to the fire
3.  press Key 0, set textbooks or references in the left attunement slot, and confirm
4.  press Key 1 to select the next slot, press Key 0 to check the attunement slot
5. use Preacher's Chime

heal aid

Heal Aid:

Heal 4 instantly.

treatment aid

Treatment Aid:

Heal 6 in 18s


Promised Walk of Peace:

Give Slowness III to all entities around player distance ≤ 12 in 30s.

To use Ammo Strategy

1. /gamemode creative 

2.  hold the weapon in mainhand or offhand

3.  press Key 3



Hunter pistol

Its bullets slow the enemy for 3 ticks

An attempt to combine Bloodborne and Arknights,

and the first successful range weapon in this mod, Yes!


Stable Shooting:

medium-range shooting, slower rate of fire, higher accuracy and damage


Rapid fire of Silting:

close-range shooting, higher rate of fire, 





Hunter blunderbuss 


Bulk ammo:

close-range shooting, 7 pellets per shot


Foster ammo:

medium-range shooting, 1 pellet per shot, armor-piercing


Arcane breath:

medium-range shooting, casts quicksilver mist 

To use Weapon Arts

1. /gamemode creative 

2.  hold the weapon in mainhand or offhand

2.  press Key 2


Trainees' Backsword

Take a quick step forward and return immediately.

Deal 1 damage to the sword.


Dark Sword 

Add 4 damage vs mob and 1 attack speed in 200 ticks.

Deal 2 extra damage to sword per attack.

 preacher's chimepreacher's bless

Preacher's Chime 

When held in offhand, it transforms any potion in mainhand(includes water) into Preacher's Bless.

Deal 1 damage to chime.

Preacher's Bless heals 2 if the player's current health is lower than 50%maximum, else heals 5.



Deal 180 bleed damage to the enemy attacked. (Normal attack)

Throw a phantom kukri that deals 240 bleed damage to the target.(Weapon Art)

Deal 8 damage to kukri.

When the bleed damage value exceeds the bleed resistance value, the entity will lose 15%HP and reset the bleed damage value.


Monksoldier's Kanabou 

+6 armor and +0.5 knockback_resistance in 11ticks.

Spin 360° and deal 6 damage to all enemies around. 

Deal 3 damage to kanabou.

Its Weapon Art should act like Shugoki's hug in For Honor. 

But it seemed entities cannot be set to ride on the player.



Spider Shield 

Parry melee attack

Range: yaw -45~45, pitch -45~45






After respawn, the first humanity eaten add player 30% Max HP and heal a large amount of HP.

Later humanities eaten only heal.

It takes about 5 seconds to eat 1 humanity.






POV process is achieved by slowing down the player.


Mod is in development, and maybe updated occasionally




Minecraft mod files
vinheim_primary_school_0.16.jar Uploaded on: 06/19/2021 - 10:53   File size: 2.88 MB
vinheim_primary_school_0.17.jar Uploaded on: 07/01/2021 - 19:32   File size: 3.56 MB