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This Minecraft Modification is made with MCreator. The mod is developed and maintained by NorthWestTrees Gaming. For legal information on the distribution and use of this workspace and modification please read the license on our GitHub page listed below.
This mod is designed to make manual tasks in Minecraft automated using advanced script and commands. Things like the Auto Crafting Machine requires custom recipe code to be added for each recipe however new recipes will be added each Major update. Machines allow for automatic tasks we have many machines planned for many unique task using new blocks.
- Auto Collecting
- Auto Crafting
- Auto Farming
- Auto Tree Farming
- Mass Toggling blocks on/off.
- Custom crop block support
- Remote Item Transport
- System in place for factory scale production.
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We have a website now for the mod using GitHub pages. Its coded by hand using HTML and CSS, and a tiny bit of Javascript.
I have done my best to optimize it for mobile devices, however I suggest using a larger screen size for quality and ease of access. All future news posts will be posted on the main page on the mods website.
- WEBSITE | The official website for the mod. (fixed link)
- GITHUB | Open bug reports / feature requests. Learn from the mod wiki. Download older versions.
- YOUTUBE | Official playlist for the mod release tutorials and trailers.
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- Solar Panel
- Coal Generator
- Wind Turbine
- Waterwheel
- Battery
- Power Hub
- FE Converter
- Auto Farming Machine Energy System
- Auto Killing Machines
- Auto Breeding Machines
- Auto Mining Machines
- Auto Building Machines (If Possible)
- Auto Crafting Machines (More Recipes)
- Auto Smelting Machines
- Auto Brewing Machines
- Auto Enchanting Machines
- Auto Grinding Machines
- Auto Bee Keeping Machines
- And any latter plans!
Development 0.4.0
- Added auto farming machine support for brown mushrooms.
- Added auto farming machine support for custom crops.
- Added auto farming machine support for red mushrooms.
- Added auto farming machine support for twisting vines.
- Added auto farming machine support for vines.
- Added auto farming machine support for weeping vines.
Development 0.3.0
- Added multi-level support for the Auto Farming Machine.
- Added upgrade items that can make machines work better.
- Added blockstate support for some Auto Farmin Machine crops.
- Added forge item tag dusts/redstone.
- Added forge item tag gems/diamond.
- Added forge item tag ingots/gold.
- Added forge item tag ingots/iron.
- Added forge item tag ingots/netherite.
- Added forge iten tag tools/hoes.
- Added mod item tag minecraft/stone.
- Added mod item tag minecraft/dispenser.
- Added mod item/block tag machine_block.
- Added mod item/block tag machines/auto_farming.
- Added mod item/block tag machines/auto_farming/off.
- Added mod item/block tag machines/auto_farming/on.
- Added mod item tag upgrades/diamond.
- Added mod item tag upgrades/golden.
- Added mod item tag upgrades/iron.
- Added mod item tag upgrades/netherite.
- Added mod item tag upgrades/stone.
- Added mod item tag upgrades/wooden.
- Added status and process GUI light to the Auto Farming Machine GUI.
- Added new slot icons to the Auto Farming Machine GUI.
- Change Auto Farming Machine tags.
- Changed Machine Block tags.
- Removed slot 3 from the auto farming machine.
- Upgrades now provide faster harvesting for the Auto Farming Machine.
- Upgrades now provide more yield for the Auto Farmine Machine.
Development 0.2.1
- Fixed the Auto Farming Machine again after it tricked me into believing it was stable XD
- Fixed critical crash from trying to link a breaker block to a Remote Item Teleporter.
Development 0.2.0
- Added "Breaker Panel" blocks
- Added a password screen
- Added Auto Crafting Machine plank recipes.
- Added Auto Crafting Machine wood slab recipes.
- Added Auto Tree Farm Machine crafting table recipe.
- Added Auto Tree Farm Machine blocks.
- Added Auto Tree Farm Machine tags.
- Added Breaker Panel support to the Auto Crafting Machine blocks.
- Added Breaker Panel support to the Auto Farming Machine blocks.
- Added Breaker Panel support to the Auto Item Collector Machine blocks.
- Added Breaker Panel support to the Auto Tree Farm Machine blocks.
- Added experimental block version to some of the blocks for variable updating.
- Added Grass Block Slab Lower block.
- Added Grass Block Slab recipes.
- Added Grass Block Slab Upper block.
- Added more tags for cross mod support.
- Added resources for Breaker Panels, Auto Tree
- Added "Owner" NBT tags to all machines and the new Breaker Panel.
- Auto Crafting Machine and Auto Farming Machine now uses its own textures.
- Auto Crafting Machine recipe crafting items now use TAGS for cross mod support.
- Auto Crafting Machine recipes now use mostly variables so that making recipes is faster.
- Auto Item Collector Machine blocks now have "Owner" nbt tags
- Breaker Panel blocks now have "Owner" nbt tags.
- Breaker Panel blocks now use a ownership system.
- Breaker Panel owners can Sneak and right-click Breaker Panels to access the password settings screen.
- Crafting Table recipes now use tags for cross mod support.
- It's now possible to unlock recipes by obtaining items.
- Machines now have a "Owner" nbt tag when the block is place by a player.
- The Remote Item Teleporter now has a cube on the side boundary box to prevent entitles from getting on top and ruining crops.
- Fixed some recipe related tag issues.
- Fixed typo in tag name for the lever.
Development 0.1.1
- Fixed the "Remote Item Teleporter" block texture.
- Fixed issue with "Auto Crafting Tables" not working properly.
Development 0.1.0
- Licensed under NWTG Public License 1.0
- Added a creative tab for the mod.
- Added textures for the blocks.
- Added the "Machine Block".
- Added the "Auto Farming Machine" block.
- Added the "Auto Crafting Machine" block.
- Added the "Auto Item Collector Machine" block.
- Added the "Remote Item Teleporter" (RIT) block.
- Added the "Machine Wrench" item.
- Added support for "Bread" recipes to the Auto Crafting Machine.
- Added support for "Sugar" recipes to the Auto Crafting Machine.
- Added support for "Pumpkin Pie" recipes to the Auto Crafting Machine.
- Added support for "Egg" collecting to the Auto Item Collector Machine.
- Added a crafting recipe for the "Machine Wrench"
- Added a crafting recipe for the "Auto Farming Machine" block.
- Added a crafting recipe for the "Auto Crafting Machine" block.
- Added a crafting recipe for the "Auto Item Collector Machine" block.
- Added a crafting recipe for the "Random Item Teleporter" block.
- Added a crafting recipe for the "Machine Block".
- Added a tags for both items and blocks for the "Auto Farming Machine" block.
- Added a tags for both items and blocks for the "Auto Crafting Machine" block.
- Added a tags for both items and blocks for the "Auto Item Collector Machine" block.
- Added a tags for both items and blocks for the "Remote Item Teleporter" block.
- Added a tags for both items and blocks for the "Machine Block".
- Added a inventory for the "Auto Farming Machine" block.
- Added a inventory for the "Auto Crafting Machine" block.
- Added a inventory for the "Auto Item Collector Machine" block.
- Added model for the "Remote Item Teleporter" block.
Thanks Matej I took a bit of a break for a week or two but I plan to resume on Monday or maybe latter today, not sure. I updated the page added custom titles and the a new outline for what will be added in the next update.
Also don't worry about the tools and stuff, it won't be another one of those tool mods, Aluminum is going to be used as an iron replacement so that its not as expensive to craft the machines and I said why not add tools and stuff on the side, so I did that but its not the main focus of the update, just a side task more or less. I will be adding more auto crafting recipes as well... I forgot to add that whoops lol. Cookies, Ladder, and Wood (full bark textures)
Big thanks!
The Auto Crafting Machine uses procedures to make custom recipes, I could add support for other mods but most likely this would not be at the top of my priorities right now because I have lots of vanilla recipes to add still I have not even scratched the surface for crafting recipes for the base game. However if the mod owner has used tags and the tags are under the forge namespace I can take requests for other mods when I have most vanilla recipes added.
When it comes to custom crafting stations its a bit more complex then just getting recipes like you said.
Tags only group items together so as it would be fine to add a tag for this it would not handle the recipe side of things. A recipe script procedure would still need to be made on my end for the mod if its crafting a mod item. However it is possible to add 3rd party mod resources to existing recipes I have made, all one would need to do is tag their item under the same tag as the vanilla resource for recipes and it would work for adding support but only for crafting recipes I already have made/added to the custom crafting station.
For a list of tags for the auto crafting machine visit this wiki page I have made.
Okay, thanks!
Also, about the 3rd party mod, could you do that to get your custom crafting stations compatible with Just Enough Items (JEI)? I ask this because some of the stuff I am working on will take forever to figure out in Survival mode without a guide of some sort.
Far as I am aware the only support MCreator has for JEI is though vanilla crafting, I think its possible to code it in by hand, I think the contributor Max for MCreator has worked on a mod that has custom crafting but his mod is coded not MCreator. You can use GitHub make a mock repository for your project and so long as its public you have access to creating wiki pages which you can add images. It takes a bit of work to learn but you can host the images on like imgur.com and then copy the image source by right-clicking on the post image then selecting copy image address and then you can use  and it will add the image to the page, the only thing is make sure the image is not to big as its the same scale on GitHub as the source image, there is no option for resizing so you will need to do that before you add it to your post on imgur.com.
Thanks Klemen!
my other message was over 1000 characters lol so I will try to keep it shorter :P
Many things are planed working on a wood related update for the next release its larger then the first one for sure.
Main focus is to make it cross mod supported so others can tap into the mechanics when possible.
And when I say many things planned I mean tones of major features so many more auto blocks alone I want to be added but I want to add other features to all of them too so there is a larger list then what is on the wiki page XD
I have not tested it but I think it is only possible to do inside loaded chunks like most things sadly.
However I am working on adding support for other mods if people wish to tap into the modification.
I have far more stuff planned and have already started on 0.2.0 - The Woodland Update.
I am working towards adding more recipes related to wood like planks, buttons, sticks etc.
And a new auto block the Auto Tree Farm Machine basically a block to harvest wood replant saplings and remove leaves.
Also a new Breaker Panel block is coming too, this allows for grouping auto blocks together and turning them on/off in mass. It also uses a ownership system kinda like a permission thing for protecting them from being turned on or off for non owner players. Non owner players will need a password from the owner to toggle the block and passwords can be anything the owner wants :D
Thanks Fredzik!
I have the farming part all done and ready recipes will have to be done by hand sadly so there will be limitations on what is released for crafting and collecting, but I hope to add more each update I release too so it should become more useful with time. Of course requests have higher priority on things to be added for the crafting table recipes this can be done on the GitHub issue tracker for the mod :D
Wow, this looks like a neat concept, can't wait to see it develop :D