New Dawn

Published by Jats on
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In development
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This mod adds a few new things basically remakes a whole New World with New Ores, New Mobs, New Biomes, and more, all into a dimension called "New World" Version 1 has Dawness blocks you can make and using blazes to make a New World Key you can make a Nether Portal Like portal into the new world.

Biomes include: Tozen and Pazel

Ores include: Flamation, Jatsieum, Damned Dawn, and a little vanilla addon of iron nugget stone.

Mobs include: Groat, Baric, Skelebon, Brocheta, and an Alex model zombie.

Minecraft mod files - New Dawn Version 1.1 Download Uploaded on: 10/11/2021 - 05:04   File size: 303.99 KB

DevLog V.1.2

Some Bug Fixes

Added Sakura Trees (Not Final Addition Of Them)

Added Brocheta a New Robot With Zombie Like Features

Changed Recipes

Added Groat Meat So Groat Doesn't Drop Mutton Anymore

Other Stuff Was Added But You'll Have To Play To Find Out!

Give any new ideas you think may be a good feature for our mod! 

nice textures + cool biomes, with a bit more variety, it could become a great mod