101 Biomes

Published by _Pastel_ on
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10 Biomes has 4 biomes right now in v2 but in the newer versions, it will have a lot more biomes bc biomes are harder to make than dimensions also I accidentally but the name as something else other than 101 biomes bc I was going to make a gun mod but I don't know-how so I turned it into this! I hope you like it!



oh and stuff you may do:

upload videos of the mod (must link to this page in description)

stuff you must do:

give me credit for the mod if you upload some thing about it

stuff you may not do:

reupload the mod without my permission (if I do let you you may link this page in description)

Minecraft mod files
101 biomes v1_0.jar - v1 of the mod (less biomes and stuff) Uploaded on: 10/31/2021 - 14:33   File size: 127.23 KB
101 biomes v2.jar - v2 of the mod (less stuff) Uploaded on: 10/31/2021 - 16:48   File size: 160.99 KB
101 biomes (halloween).jar - spooky Uploaded on: 11/01/2021 - 17:52   File size: 160.99 KB
101 biomes v3.jar - v3 of the mod Uploaded on: 11/01/2021 - 17:52   File size: 160.99 KB
  • v3 and halloween no new biomes but too make up for hallowenn not coming on halloween (even though it was supposed to) v3 and halloween come out on the same day we added 2 new ores and a new wood for the horror biome! halloween exclusive is there is a new horror dimension with just the bloody forest!
  • v2 added a wood type and a new ore and removed rainbow ore in place of pastel ore
  • v1 mod came out

biomes ain't hard to make, just click the Biome Element and click Confirm lol