Download newer version from CurseForge (because here is the limit of 20 MB)
Important Links:
Curse Forge Page -> https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/entitys-realm
Entity's Realm Wiki -> https://entitys-realm.fandom.com/wiki/Entity%27s_Realm_Wiki
Entity's Realm Trailer -> https://youtu.be/DhQtYlRn22I
First time with a Entity's Realm mod? Don't worry! Advancements will guide you during your minecraft adventure.
1.17.1- - "Nurse Update" (available on curseforge)
What's new?
- New killer - Nurse
- New structure - Crotus Prenn Asylum
- New item - TP Potion
1.17.1- (available on curseforge)
What's new?
- Raw corrupted
- Raw corrupted block
- Deepslate corrupted ore
- New painting
- New music disc (little chance of dropping after killing any killer with his own weapon)
- Sound subtitles
Minor changes:
- Fog Fragment Ore doesn't spawn below 30 height
- Hacker's "blue screen" overlay is rarer
- Portal texture changed
1.16.5- - "Stranger Things Update" (available on curseforge)
What's new?
- New dimension with new biome - Upside Down
- New killer - Demogorgon
- New block - Upside Down Portal
- New Item - Demogorgon leather
- New Armor
- New advancements
- Added ambient music in Trial, Dream World and Upside Down
Minor changes:
- Alarm Clock teleports Player to spawn in Overworld (instead of random place in Trial)
- Hacker's overlays only appear when Player is in survival or adventure mode
- Observer's library spawns twice less now
- Changed some advancements
- Some remaining items/blocks added in creative tab
- There is 1% chance that Hacker will drop bedrock
Bug fixed:
- Crow's can now spawn in other modded biomes
1.16.5- - "Hacker Update"
What's new?
- Event Welcome Messages
- Original killer - Hacker
- Error mob
Minor changes:
- Nightmare and Jason are hostile to each other
- Corrupted Ore spawns in every biome (used to spawn only in Corrupted Biome), only 1 ore group per chunk (was 2), max 6 ores in group (was 8), max height -12 (was 23)
- Observer's library spawns in every biome (used to spawn only in Corrupted Biome), spawns once per 100 chunks (was once per 50 chunks)
- Deleted Corrupted Biome
1.16.5- - "Seasonal Events Update"
Events list
- Halloween Event (October)
- Christmas Event (20-30th December)
- Friday the 13th
- New Year Event (31st December/1st January)
New Event Killers:
- Herobrine (with new mobs - cursed pig, cow and chicken)
- Krampus
- Jason
1.16.5- - "Silent Hill Update"
What's new?
- New biome - Backwater Swamp
- 2 new Backwater Swamp structures
- Hag traps added
- New Coldwind structure - Cow Tree
- New killers - Hag and Trickster
- New ranged weapon - trickster's knives
- New item - Flashlight
Minor changes:
- Crow, Trapper, Wraith, Shape, Blight, Nightmare, Entity - reduced health amount
- Huntress shooting speed nerfed
- Hatchet deals melee damage (3)
- Freddy's lightning attack is more common
- Freddy spawn Vexes instead of Zombies
- Entity's explode attack is rarer but snake spawn ability is more common
1.16.5- - "Coldwind Farm Update"
What's new?
- New biome - Coldwind Farm
- New plant - corn
- New structure - Cowshed
- New killers - Leatherface and Ghostface
- New weapons - Chainsaw (right click to turn on) and Ghostface's knife
- New item - medkit (right click to use)
Minor changes:
- Corrupted snakes have less health
- Wraith has 33% to cloak after taking damage when low on health
- Huntress has less health
- Shape has less health and his movement speed is a little bit faster
- Some advancements are changed