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Crafted from Vanilla items (1xEnd Rod, 3xPopped Chorus Fruit and 1xSoul Torch) the Shulker Rod loses its light-giving properties during crafting and instead gives the ability to levitate a player when right-clicked.
This mod adds nothing else and was created so I could have the effect from the OpenBlocks Shulker Trophy in 1.16.5.
Minecraft mod files
ShulkerRod_A1.0_MC1.16.5.jar - Crafted from Vanilla items (1xEnd Rod, 3xPopped Chorus Fruit and 1xSoul Torch) the Shulker Rod gives Levitation II for 5 secs
Uploaded on: 01/21/2022 - 10:35 File size: 27.1 KB
wow cool mod