The Vampire Legacies

Published by Aizyaaho on
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There are three primary factions that spawn naturally in the word that also contain a few sub species


Humans - humans are the most basic creature as it is also the default mod, they possess no special abilities or anything unique about them

Psychics - these are a subset of humans that possess the ability to mentally torment other players and mob


Werewolves - these are cursed being who possess above average strength and speed as well as regeneration. At the moment i do not know how to edit player models so they currently have no transformation


Witches - Witches are the balancers of nature or the disrupters... When they spawn, they attain a random amount of magic that can be leveled up, as well as abilities unique to them.

Covens- Treme, Mikaelson, Bennett, Gemini, Traveler

Affinities- Necromancy, Black Magic, Expression, Traditional, Sacrificial, Spirit

Siphoners- a subset of gemini witches that cannot generate magic but instead can only take it from other supernatural creatures

Werewitch- a subset of the mikaelson witches that are both part wolf and part witch making them the most powerful naturally occuring thing


when vampire blood is consumed it heals the player, but if the player dies they will end up in transition if the vampire blood is still in their system at said time.

they must consume blood in order to complete the transition or they will die and begin again.


Vampires all belong to a sireline which is started by an original


Originals- these are the strongest category of vampires and the originators of every vampire as well as containing the most amount of subsets. If you feed another player your blood and they become a vampire, they will be part of your sireline .



Minecraft mod files
The_Vampire_Legacies_3.0.jar Uploaded on: 04/30/2022 - 13:43   File size: 7.18 MB
TVL-beta.jar Uploaded on: 08/10/2022 - 21:09   File size: 6.23 MB

Hey here's my discord, I wanna ask if you wanna team up on my mod and i have a functional discord now