Ores and items

Published by JoniMax on
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Ores and items mod allows you to add new fictional ores, new weapons, new functions and secrets.


New ores

New ores:

Sarmite - it is used to make armor and tools.

Lurite - adds improvements to iron and sarmite tools.

Redomand - a new diamond that improves diamond appliances

Carnite - it makes cool appliances.

Lacrite - new sharp crystal which can be used to enhance tools.

Varnite - very hot ore from which you can make new potions, stones and improve armor.


New tools

New tools:

Iron tools enhanced with Lurite - improved iron tools.

Sarmite tools - new tools

Diamond tools are enhanced with Redomand - improved diamond tools.

Netherite tools enhanced with Arnite - improved Netherite tools.

Carnitine tools - new strong tools.

Very sharp instruments (bleeding may occur):

Iron and Sarmite tools are improved with Lacrite


Almost all armor is added by the mod

New armor:

Iron armor enhanced with Lurite - enhanced iron armor.

Sarmite armor - new armor.

Diamond armor enhanced with Redomand - enhanced diamond armor.

Netherite armor enhanced with Arnith - improved Netherite armor

Carnite armor - new strong armor.

Armor that sets anyone who hits you on fire (you don't burn in it, but don't go swimming in the lava):

Netherite armor enhanced with Varnite.

Carnite armor enhanced with Varnite.


New stones

New stones:

Ignimbrite - a stone that spawns at plus altitudes.

Downstone - a stone that spawns at a minus height.

Block of solidified varnite - extracted from varnite ore.



Hammers - they can remove upgrades from items/armor. Can also be used as a sword/pickaxe.


Mod also adds:

Dagger - deal less damage than normal swords, but attack speed is higher.

New villager profession - you can buy and sell ores from him.


The mod supports versions Forge, NeoForge and fabric (latter is not supported)


Download Forge

fabric    fabric api    Discord


We recommend playing with the JEI mod.

Download JEI: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/jei

To play with other players on a version below Beta 1.1, you will need a mod (e4mc)

Download (e4mc): https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/e4mc

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AF-OtpusAsY

Report errors: https://discord.gg/MJg7qSDa9u





Minecraft mod files
Ores and items-1.1.2-Beta-Forge-1.20.1.jar Uploaded on: 10/09/2024 - 05:50   File size: 1.02 MB
Ores and items-1.1.2-Beta-NeoForge-1.20.6.jar Uploaded on: 10/09/2024 - 05:50   File size: 1.01 MB
Ores and items-1.1.2-Beta-NeoForge-1.21.1.jar Uploaded on: 10/09/2024 - 05:51   File size: 1.02 MB
Ores and items-1.0с-Forge-1.20.1.jar Uploaded on: 11/30/2024 - 05:55   File size: 1.04 MB
Ores and items-1.0с-NeoForge-1.21.1.jar Uploaded on: 11/30/2024 - 05:55   File size: 1.03 MB

Alpha 1.0.1 - Adjusted diamond tools enhanced with lurite.

Alpha 1.1  -  Ukrainian translation is 100% done. Changed all textures. Added daggers. Now more lurite-enhanced armor and tools. Added two new buildings and "super duper" tools and more...

Alpha 1.1.1 - One of the buildings was finished. A new tab in the creative inventory has been added.

Alpha 1.1.2 - Fixed (super duper) tools.

Alpha 1.1.3 - Added new secret items. The Ukrainian translation has been corrected.

Alpha 1.2 - Added Carnite, Redomand, Arnite. Achievements and New Secrets and more...

Alpha 1.2.1 - Added a new building, removed some features.

Beta 1.0 - Added new stones, new blocks and new buttons and pressure plates. Fixed bugs.

Beta 1.1 - 

- Added two new ores
- Added two sets of new armor.
- Added a new weapon.
- Added a new potion.
- Added a new profession of villager.
- Added new stones.
- Added new mechanics.
- Fixed bugs.

Beta 1.1.1 - The structure was completely redesigned.

Beta 1.1.2 - Now you can remelt ores in smelters.
Due to the fact that in the next update, improved Sarmite devices will be removed, and ordinary Sarmite devices will be improved, you can switch improved tools to ordinary ones.


1.0 - Added Block of Carnite.
      - Added a hammer that can be used to remove upgrades from tools and armor.
      - Structure has been slightly changed.
      - Changed the texture of armor and tools.
      - Removed Sarmite Armor/Tools enhanced with Lurite.
      - Reworked Iron and Carnite armor/tools for the better.
      - Removed Diamond/Redomand Dust
      - Changed crafting for Diamond Armor/Tools enhanced with Redomand.
      - Bug fixes and minor changes.


I haven't played the mod yet, but form the various screenshots it looks like a well made Armor pack mod. Have you tried to experiment with properties of the armor sets that are perpendicular to the power level? (For example, a tungsten Armor would be better than an iron one, but it would give you slowness, or a glass Armor, that would be extremely hard but very fragile and would damage you when it breaks, or a paper Armor (it exists), that would be as good as leather, but extremely cheap to produce, or a jetpack Armor, that would be worse than iron, but it would grant you the ability to fly like in creative mode for a limited amount of time and it also would need some type of fuel, and so on...)
Also, the ore textures look sweet!