Nick's Enchantments and Such

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This is a mod I've been developing for a long while. It is my very first uploaded mod, so I hope you all enjoy it!

I have made 3 custom items, 3 custom potion effects 





Most of them you've seen before but I've added a tone of my own creative enchantments never seen before

I'll be listing what they are and what they do (yes, I have tested them and they all work)


Custom Potion effects

  • Thunder Struck - instant !!Neutral potion effect!!

When an entity is hit with the effect, thunder will strike on them and will give either positive or negative potion effects

  • Hidden smoke - long duration !!Positive potion effect!!

When an entity has is hit with this effect, smoke will appear and will give the entity invisibility and speed lvl 5 for a set duration

  • Curse of the undead - long duration !!Negative potion effect!!

When an entity has this potion effect, they will continue burning if directly under sunlight, outside of water

Custom Items

  • Evoker Fang summoning book

Will summon a ring of fangs around the player in an AOE attack 

  • Arrow Barrage 

Will shoot arrows in a lobbing motion which is great for hitting multiple far away opponents 

  • Cursed Flesh 

Brings a curse upon the player who eats it. but can be used to brew potions of the Curse Of The Dead

Custom item enchants

  • Cooldown -Common- (lvl 1 - 2)

decreasing the cooldown of the items allowing you to use them more often {works only on Evoker fang summoning book and Arrow Barrage}

  • Extra Shots -Uncommon- (lvl 1 - 3)

allows you to shoot more arrows with the barrage

  • Hurl Strength -Common- (lvl 1 - 2) 

Increases the distance and damage of the arrows in the barrage... but might have an increased spread

Custom enchantments

  • Detonation =Chest plate= -Rare- (lvl 1 - 3) 

allows the player to explode on death, hopefully killing the enemies who killed you in the process 

WARNING! destroys builds too..

  • Freezing Cut =Weapons= -Uncommon- (lvl 1 - 3) 

applies slowness to the opponent (power of the slowness depends on the lvl of the enchantments) 

  • Venomous Stab =Weapons= -Rare- (lvl 1 - 2) 

applies poison to the opponent (power of the poison depends on the lvl of the enchantments) 

  • Tracking Slash =Weapon= -Common- (lvl 1 - 2) 

applies Glowing to the opponent (power of the Glowing depends on the lvl of the enchantments) 

  • Arrow Storm =Chest plate= -rare- (lvl 1) 

When a player with this enchantment is hit, they will shoot our arrows around them with high knock-back 

  • Heated Touch =Weapon= -Uncommon- (lvl 1 - 2) 

Deal bonus damage to opponents on fire (the damage is dependant on the lvl of the enchantment) 

!Warning! - Can not be applied to weapons with fire aspect! 

  • Critical sight =Helmet= -Rare- (lvl 1 - 2) 

When a player with the enchantment hit and opponent , it will cause the hit player to gain strength for limited time as well as showing the location of the attacker not allowing them to hide (power of the potions depends on the lvl of the enchantments) 

  • Adrenaline =Legs= -rare- (lvl 1) 

when the player hit is at half health, they will gain an Adrenaline boost of speed and strength 

  • Ender Defender =Chest plate= -Uncommon- (lvl 1 - 2) 

When the player is hit by an ender type mob (enderman, endermite, shulker, ender dragon) they will gain resistance for a small duration (power of the resistance depends on the lvl of the enchantments) 

  • External Recharge =Chest plate= -Rare- (lvl 1 - 2) 

When the player dies, the chest plate will generate energy to make lightning strike down (more lightning is struck with higher enchant lvl), hopefully killing the enemies who killed you in the process 

!WARNING! destroys builds too..

  • Well Rested =Helmet= -Common- (lvl1) 

When a player sleeps and wakes up, they will feel well rested and will gain a boost of regeneration and health boost for a limited duration 

  • Smart Chopping =Axes= -Common- (lvl 1 - 2) 

When a player starts breaking a block, they will get a boost of strength and haste to help break the block 

  • Wither Charge =Weapon= -Rare- (lvl 1 - 2) 

Deal bonus damage to opponents that have the wither effect (the damage is dependant on the lvl of the enchantment) 

  • Poison Charge =Weapon= -Uncommon- (lvl 1 - 2) 

Deal bonus damage to opponents that have the Poison effect (the damage is dependant on the lvl of the enchantment) 

!Warning! - Can not be applied to weapons with Venomous Stab! 

  • Double Edged =Weapon= -Uncommon- !!CURSE!! (lvl 1 - 2) 

deals bonus damage to both the attacked entity and the attacking one 

  • Water's Blessing =Weapon= -Uncommon- (lvl 1) 

When a player kills an opponent they will be blessed by the graceful waters with Dolphin's grace and conduit potion effects for a limited duration (best for underwater areas) 

!Warning! - Can not be applied to weapons with Void's Blessing OR Lava's Blessing! 

  • Lava's Blessing =Weapon= -Uncommon- (lvl 1) 

When a player kills an opponent they will be blessed by the heated lava with Fire resistance potion effects for a limited duration (best for very hot areas) 

!Warning! - Can not be applied to weapons with Void's Blessing OR Water's Blessing! 

  • Void's Blessing =Weapon= -Rare- (lvl 1) 

When a player kills an opponent they will be blessed by the mysterious Void with Jump Boost, slow falling and night vision (best for and end areas) 

!Warning! - Can not be applied to weapons with Lava's Blessing OR Water's Blessing! 

  • God's Wrath =Weapon= -Rare- (lvl 1) 

When a player kills an opponent, the gods will send down a lightning bolt of judgment, either blessing you with a good or cursing you with bad potion effect

  • Snipping Duel =Bow OR Crossbow= -Common- (lvl 1 - 3) 

Deals bonus damage to attacker equipping bows or crossbows 

  • Burden =Weapon= -Uncommon- !!CURSE!! (lvl 1) 

When a player with this enchantment attacks an opponent, a burden is brought upon them giving them weakness for a set duration 

  • Slippery Fingers =Weapon= -Uncommon- !!CURSE!! (lvl 1) 

The player with this enchantment just ate butter with their bare hands.. now they weapon falls out onto the ground every time they hit an opponent giving the opponent the chance to pick it up and use the weapon against its owner 

  • Xp Munch =Weapon= -Uncommon- (lvl 1 - 4) 

Steals Experience from the enemy and gives them to the attacker 

!Warning! - Can not be applied to weapons with Fire Aspect OR Looting! 

  • Sixth sense =Helmet= -Uncommon- (lvl 1) 

When the player with this enchantment is hit, they will find out who hit them and apply the glowing effect to the attacker rendering their hiding spot useless 

  • Treasure Finder =Breakable tools= -Uncommon- (lvl 1 - 2) 
  1. When a pickaxe breaks stone, Granite, andesite or diorite, they have a chance to find a gold or iron nugget. if are lucky enough, can find an whole ingot instead 
  2. when an Axe breaks wood, they have to find extra log, sticks or charcoal 

!Warning! - Can not be applied to weapons with Fortune! 

  • Alchemist =Breakable tools !Pickaxe recommended!= -Rare- (lvl 1 - 2) 

When a player mines Vanilla Minecraft ores, they have a chance to Alchemise the ore and produce a random extra one (The extra ore depends on the ore mine in the first place, iron -> gold. Emerald -> Coal. Copper -> 

  • Iron Instability =Breakable tools= -Uncommon- !!CURSE!! (lvl 1 - 3) 

They player doesn't feel too good while breaking blocks and might whack it badly, causing the tool to lose bonus durability in the process.. oh no.. [insert sad emoji here...]

  • Solar Vampire =Breakable tools= -Uncommon (lvl 1) 

When in daylight and under the sun, the players tools with this enchantment will gain increased durability than what mending would give (what? what do you mean that's not how a Vampire works?.. Well if you can have a game with floating sand and gravel, I can have a day-time vampires >:( )

  • Bee Sting =Weapon= -Uncommon- !!CURSE!! (lvl 1 - 2) 

Don't ask me how.. but a bee was hit in the crossfire and stung both the attacker and the opponent, enraged, poisoning both of them.. poor bee... (the damage is dependant on the lvl of the enchantment) 

  • Tragic Headache =Helmet= -Rare- !!CURSE!! (lvl 1) 

The player didn't sleep enough, giving them a blistering headache when they attack, causing them temporary blindness.. 

  • Tragic Back Pain =Chest plate= -Rare- !!CURSE!! (lvl 1) 

The player didn't do their daily exercises and hurts their back when attacking, dealing damage to them through armour.. 

  • Tragic Leg Cramps =Leggings= -Rare- !!CURSE!! (lvl 1) 

The player legs start to cramp, causing them to not attack as good and giving them weakness for a set duration 

  • Tragic Sore Feet =Feet= -Rare- !!CURSE!! (lvl 1) 

The player got pins and needles at the WORST fighting time, giving them slowness for a set duration 

  • Curse Of Warping =Weapon= -Rare- !!CURSE!! (lvl 1) 

Now this curse is sure to enrage anyone with it. Any entity attacked with a weapon with this enchant will be teleported away a distance of 10 blocks.. allowing them an advantage to escape 

  • Torched =Breakable tool !recommended pickaxe!= -Common- (lvl 1) 

When a player right clicks with the tool. it will spawn a torch when they look but uses a lot of durability 

!WARNING! this will delete and replace the block looks.. be careful around ore! 

  • Hard Hat =Helmet= -common- (lvl 1) 

When a natural falling block, sand, red sand or gravel falls on the player, it will break it. No more suffocating under my watch 

  • Curse Of Strength =Weapon= -Uncommon- !!CURSE!! (lvl 1) 

Opponents hit with a weapon with this enchantment become enraged and will gain strength for a set duration.. uh oh..

  • Target Analysis =Bow= -Uncommon- (lvl 1) 

When an opponent hit by a bow with this enchantment is bellow half health, it will notify the attacker 

  • Guardian Angel =Chest Plate= -VERY Rare- (lvl 1 - 2) 

When the player get to bellow 1/3 of their health, the Guardian angel of their chest plate will use a lot of durability to give you a burst of regeneration. 

!Warning! - Can not be applied to Chest Plates with Arrow Storm! 

  • Gas Mask =Helmet= -Rare- (lvl 1) 

When a player has the negative potion effects of poison, wither, Blindness or Nausea. The helmet will filter out the effects and rid the player of them. Health and safety approved 

!Warning! - Can not be applied to Helmets with Tragic Head Ache ! 

  • The Mysterious Enchantment =Armor= -VERY Rare- (lvl 1) 

This is a Mysterious Enchantment with powerful abilities.. When a player who has a full armour set with this enchantment (that included, the helmet, chest, legs and feet all having this enchantment) kills an opponent, the armour will charge this powerful ability, giving you strength and resistance lvl 50, making you invincible for a set duration. BUT.. the enchantment unfortunately has a small 1% chance of actually fully loading.. better hope you have a high luck potion effect on you... wink wink 

  • Phantomize =Weapon= -Rare- (lvl 1 - 3) 

When an opponent hit by a weapon with this enchantment, they have a chance to be knocked into spectator mode for a tiny duration and back into their original game mode.. rendering them powerless for that duration (Chance of Phantomizing and duration depends on the lvl of the enchantment) 

  • Fear Of The Dark =Helmet= -Uncommon- !!CURSE!! (lvl 1) 

When a player is in light lvls lower than 7 (the same as when mobs can spawn) and is hit, they will become very scared, causing them to have darkness and glowing applied to them

  • Empty pockets =leggings= -Rare- !!CURSE!! (lvl 1 - 3) 

When a player with this enchantments on them is hit. they will drop xp which the attacker will pick up... so much for having such tiny pockets.. 

  • Prevention =Weapon= -Rare- !!CURSE!! (lvl 1 - 2) 

When a player with this enchantment attacks, their weapon will get tired and just not want to attack for a set duration and giving them weakness 5 (stops you from hitting completely) (Duration of Prevention depends on the lvl of the enchantment) 

  • Dash =weapon !Shield recommended! -Uncommon- (lvl 1) 

When the player with a shield either gets hit or block an attack, they will teleport 10 block in a random direction, hopefully giving them the edge on the attacker 

  • Molten =Chest Plate= -rare- (lvl 1) 

When a player is hit, they will ignite the attacker on fire for 3 seconds with their burning chest plate 

  • Lethal Poison =Leggings= -Rare- (lvl 1) 

When a player is hit, they will poison the attacker for 3 seconds 

  • Bleeding =Weapon= -Uncommon (lvl 1 - 3) 

When a player attacks an opponent, after a set time, the opponent will take delayed bonus damage (bonus damage depends on the lvl of the enchantment) 

  • Snack Pouch =Chest plate= -Common- (lvl 1) 

When a player is hit, they will take a tactical snack and replenish 3 saturation points (1 and a half food bars) 

  • Extinguish =Leggings= -Common (lvl 1) 

When a player is on fire, they will extinguish themselves.. if only snowmen had this... 

  • Bow Master =Bow= -Uncommon- (lvl 1 - 3) 

When a player welding a sword or an axe is hit with a bow shot with this enchantment, they will take bonus damage (Bonus damage is dependant on the lvl of the enchantment) 

  • Glassification =Breakable= -Common- (lvl 1) 

has a Chance to produce and extra glass block when mining sand

  • Disarm =Weapon= -VERY RARE- (lvl 1) 

Has a 10% chance to Disarm the opponent weapon and dropping it to the ground, giving you a chance to use it against them 

!Warning! - Can not be applied to Weapons with mending! 

  • Arial =Weapon= -Common- (lvl 1) 

Channel your inner bird and deal bonus damage to players when in the air 

  • Bounty Hunter =Bows= -Rare- (lvl 1) 

Has a chance to drop a bonus gem when killing an entity 

  • Guardians =Leggings= -Rare- (lvl 1) 

Has a 10% chance to summon an ally: 30% chance of it being an IRON golem, a 70% chance of it being a SNOW golem 

  • Rift =Elytra= -Rare- (lvl 2) 

If the player is at half health, When a player is hit, it will Rift them into the sky, where they can use their elytra to swiftly get away (Hight of rift depends on the lvl of the enchantment) 

!WARNING! rift will activate at any damage: fall damage, suffocation, player or entity attack 

!WARNING! once Rift is used, the elytra will lose the enchant.. be careful


These are all of them, if I forgot to mention any, please let me know in the comments. I had a great fun making this mod and hope you all love it

A few friends helped tests and I would like to say thank you to them

Minecraft mod files
Nicholas's_Enchantments_and_such-1.19.2-1.0.1-FABRIC.jar Uploaded on: 09/28/2023 - 17:52   File size: 292.36 KB
Nicholas's_Enchantments_and_such-1.19.2-1.0.2-FABRIC.jar Uploaded on: 09/30/2023 - 13:20   File size: 295.88 KB

Fixed bugs

  • I've fixed the bug where the Guardian enchantment would not work properly spawning a Golem
  • I've fixed the bug where the Bleeding enchantment would only damage the opponent once after being hit. it now works properly


Known bugs

  • I've seen an issue that the custom enchants for the custom tools are appearing as possible enchants for swords, they won't do anything while equipped on a sword. So for the time being while I fix this issue, try not to add the enchantments {Cooldown, Hurl strength and Extra shots} to your swords.

If there are any more bugs you find, please let me know in the comments, thanks and enjoy