Enhanced Enchantments

Published by MTOH on
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Enhanced Enchantments is a PVP mod that aims to spice PVP up. It adds new interesting movement options, as well as some potential for combos. The mod currently adds 9 enchantments and 1 new workstation, but I might come back to this project if I notice that it's getting some attention.

Right now the mod has:

-The new ancient altar: It is a new workstation made from a loadstone, crafting table, enchanting table, 2 iron and 4 diamonds. In there you can combine unenchanted books with various materials in order to enchant the books with the custom enchantments.

-Double Jump: An enchantment that lets the user jump while in the air. Although it is named double jump, the most accurate way to describe it is air jump, as there is only a 2 second cooldown to it and it can be used multiple times without touching the ground. Made by combining a book with a rabbit's foot in the ancient altar.

-Dash: A pants enchantment that makes the player dash when they press r. It gives quite some height, although not as much as double jump. It also has a 2 second cooldown and if timed correctly, you can fly if you use it with the Double Jump. Made by combining a book with a slime block in the ancient altar.

-Attraction: An enchantment for the crossbow that pulls enemies towards you when you land a hit on them. The force of the attraction depends on the distance and the level of the enchantment. Made by combining a book with a fishing rod in the ancient altar.

-Marksman: A crossbow enchantment that enables it to deal 20 dmg headshots (doesn't ignore armor). The only 2 enchantments that can go with this are unbreaking and mending. Made by combining a book with a spyglass in the ancient altar.

-Incinerate: A crossbow enchantment that deals 3/4 of the target's current health (doesn't ignore armor) if the enemy is on fire and extinguishes the target afterwards. I hope that this enchantment will be used for combos! Made by combining a book with a lava bucket in the ancient altar.

-Withering: A sword and axe enchantment that inflicts wither for 2 seconds. The level of wither is dependent on the level of the enchantment. Made by combining a book with a nether star in the ancient altar.

-Ferocity: A sword and axe enchantment that has a 2-6% chance(dependent on the level of the enchantment) to strike twice. The second attack deals a percentage of the base damage of the weapon (without taking sharpness, smite or bane of arthropods into account) plus the bonus of the strength buff(doesn't ignore armor). Made by combining a book with a piglin head in the ancient altar.

-Hardening: A chestplate enchantment, where if you are attacked by a mob or player while on half HP or lower, you get resistance 5 and slowness 3 for 6 seconds. After being popped, the chestplate will recharge the ability in 10 minutes. Made by combining a book with a turtle shell in the ancient altar.

-Die by the sword: An enchantment for swords and axes. When right clicked on enemy you become honourbound to that enemy. This means that you get a base damage boost(50% of your weapon's damage + strength) and a base attack speed boost (from 4.0 to 6.0, a 50% increase) for 10 seconds. If you kill the enemy you are honourbound to, you loose the boosts, but if you fail to kill him within that 10 second window, your boosts will be taken away and your health will be instantly set to 1 heart. Made by combining a book with a dragon head in the ancient altar.

Minecraft mod files
enhanced_enchants-1.0.0.jar - Broken, do not install! Uploaded on: 03/27/2024 - 21:41   File size: 83.66 KB
enhanced_enchants-1.0.1.jar - Fixed, install this! Uploaded on: 04/01/2024 - 17:16   File size: 86.69 KB

1.0.1 changes:

-removed the ability to add  custom enchantments to books, as the books came out bugged

-added the ability to add  custom enchantments to weapons and armor, as long as the item type and other enchantments are compatible