He needs the Curios API
Neckleace Of Resinstance - gives the effect of Resinstance
Eye Of The Wolf - gives the effect of Night Vision
Purification Flash - removes the potion effect of Blindness ; Bad Omen ; Hunger ; Levitation ; Mining Fatigue ; Nausea ; Poison ; Slowness ; Unluck ; Weakness ; Wither
-cooldown for 420 ticks after using
Rage Glaves - gives the effect of Strenght II for 240 tiks
-gives the effect of Health boost II for 240 tiks
-activated by pressing "R"
-cooldown for 660 ticks after using
Bottle Whith Shadow -gives the effect of Shadow for 240 tiks ( it makes the player invisible )
-activated by pressing "V"
-cooldown for 480 ticks after using
Artifacts can be found in the following structures : Abandoned Mineshaft ; Village Weaponsmith ; Village Toolsmith ; Desert Pyramid ; Jungle Temple
King Romulus Gloves - gives the player the Roman Sword by pressing "K"
- found in the Big Underwater Ruin
Lucky Coin - gives the effect of Luck III
- found in the Pillager Outpost
Ice Gloves - If the player has in the inventory Snowballs and is pressing "I" it will convert the Snowballs in Ice Cubes one by one
- found in the Igloo
Anubis Mask - gives Immunity to Poison and Wither
- gives Fire Resistance
- found in the Ruined Portal