Fair Trade

Published by Ali107 on
Upvotes: 4
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Fair Trade mod adds currencies and other trade utilities, which would be useful for Multiplayer.


  • It is recommended that you play this mod in multiplayer! :)


If you liked my mod, please upvote! :)


Main Features/Description:


1. Coins, Cash, and Currency ID

This mod adds Coins, and cash into the game, which can be used in Multiplayer SMPs to trade with players. You can craft these coins using a "Currency Template" which has a randomly generated Currency ID that gets transferred to the crafted coin or cash. You can use the Currency ID of a coin or cash to determine whether a coin is fraudulent or real using a tool called Currency Validator. A group of players in an SMP must agree on what Currency IDs are acceptable to trade with, and reject any other coinage or paper cash with a different Currency ID. The value of each currency will be determined by the players in a multiplayer world.



2. Currency Printer and Money Counter

Currency Printer and Money Counter

[Both of the Block's 3D Model and texture is made by RealSkullface]

The Currency Printer is a block that is used in conjunction with a Currency Template, currency material, and a redstone pulse to craft a currency (aka print money). The Money Counter can count the amount of money you give it, it could also be used to do addition, subtraction, and multiplication with currencies as it saves the total value it counts until you reset it or break the block.



Questions & Answers:


Q1) Does this support versions 1.16.5 / 1.12.2 / 1.18.2 / 1.19.2?

A1) No, it doesn't.


Q2) When is the Fabric version?

A2) I'm sorry little one... (translation: no.)


Q3) Can I use it in a modpack?

A3) Sure, why not? It's free advertising.


Q4) Can I upload a let's play video on this mod?

A4) Sure, why not? It's free advertising. (2.0)


Q5) Where can I report bugs?

A5) Either leave it in the comments section or contact me on Discord.


Q6) Will there be updates?

A6) There will probably be updates, but I won't promise anything.


Q7) Is this useful in a Single-player world?

A7) No, it's not.


Q8) What game mode should I play first?

A8) Survival, but of course you would not be any benefits if in single-player.


Q9) What's the best way to play the mod?

A9) It is best to play the mod in multiplayer survival. Please invite your friends to play the mod with you. :)


Q10) Where is ALIT: Magitech?! I WANT IT NOW!

A10) Calm down, ALIT: Magitech will come someday. Just wait until the day comes since it will be many times larger than ALIT: Sunlight Zombie. Join the Discord server for more information (the invite link can be found at the start of the mod description)


Q11) How are you?

A11)  Bread 👍



Minecraft mod files
fair_trade-1.20.1-1.1.0.jar - Latest 1.20.1 Version Uploaded on: 08/22/2024 - 16:36   File size: 394.77 KB


  • Added new Buttons to change the "per-currency value" in the Money Counter GUI, replacing the "<" and ">" buttons.
  • Added Shadows to "Valid" and "Invalid" text within Currency Validator GUI.
  • Added mod logo into the mod description.
  • Currency Templates now require 2 copper ingots less than before.
  • Updated Currency Validator texture.
  • Adjusted positions of "Total" and "per-currency value" text in Money Counter GUI.
  • The "per-currency value" text will now constantly display "+" when positive.
  • Removed Leading Zeroes for "per-currency value" text within the Money Counter GUI.
  • Fixed Incorrectly placed tooltip bounds within the Money Counter GUI.


  • First Release

i have a theory; this isnt motw just cuz people dont have multiplayer worlds to use this mod in
you should have some type of way to spend the coins outside of just trading, like a daily shop or an npc
you could also make so you can disable this in multiplayer worlds so taht players can define for themselves what the currency value is and not be influenced by shop items

good mod, keep up the good work :D