zombie tsar

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this mod that brings a strong boss and weapon to minecraft.

Tsar, 315 HP, 25 damage cap and 4 armor points. has a variety of strong attacks:

Attack 1:

Tsar strikes the ground, knockbacks all nearby mobs and inflict slowness effect. (Deals 7 + max health / 10 damage)

Attack 2:

Tsar summons 3 zombies.

Attack 3:

Tsar begins to spin, drawing all nearby mob towards him. (Deals 3 + max health / 60 damage)

Attack 4:

he unleashes a blue laser from his scepter that ignores immunity frames (deals 0.1 magic damage)

Upon death Tsar drops his scepter.


scepter has 11 damage and attack speed of 1.4. When you hit an enemy with it they get slowness.

Boss Spawning:

Craft his spawn egg using 1 gold block and 8 rotten flesh.

This mod requires Geckolib to work.

Modification files
normalzombiemod-1.0.0-forge-1.20.1.jar Uploaded on: 10/04/2024 - 09:20   File size: 85.58 KB