Dangerously Explosive is a mod consisting of a bunch of random ideas, untweaked overpowered items, and pyromania!
Please note that this is barely even a finished product, and is only released because I had too much fun with it! I recommend using creative mode until it's balanced, or if you want to play survival mode. I won't care, it's your choice.
Features that this mod has:
- Dynamite
- Sticky Dynamite (which can stick to mobs)
- Landmines
- Dynamite Miniguns
- Orbital Lasers (kind of buggy)
- A literal nuclear bomb
- And arsonist tools
To start, you should probably use JEI, I recommend using this mod whenever you are playing modded Minecraft, or something similar to JEI.
You are going to want to make dynamite. to construct this we are going to need sand and gunpowder.
Put the gunpowder above the sand in the crafting menu and you can create four sticks of dynamite. A basic throwable explosive.
Next take that dynamite and add it to a stone pressure plate, you will then create a landmine. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO MINE AFTER PLACING, IT WILL EXPLODE.
You can take this dynamite and add a slime ball to make it sticky dynamite. Throw it at blocks, it is a way too effective needing to be nerfed mining tool that mines any block except for normal obsidian, bedrock, and end portal frames.
To ignite it, you will need a lighter or a remote detonator.
Advanced-er stuffs
Make a lighter, this requires a flint and steel, coal, and an iron ingot. You can use this lighter to ignite landmines and sticky dynamite, you have 10 seconds before it explodes so run away.
The Remote Detonator can be used to explode sticky dynamite from a distance, simply look at the sticky dynamite and right click.
The Remote Detonator can also be used to explode sticky dynamite stuck to mobs. Simply right click and watch the nearby mobs explode! Don't get too close though as it's deadly.
The more Sticky Dynamite you add to a mob, the more explosions you'll get!
Dynamite Minigun... explains itself.
The Nuclear Bomb can barely even be thrown because it's heavy, and it may kill you.
The Orbital Laser Guidance Unit, AKA Orbital Strike Gun, can be used to commit "Home Renovation". Very destructive, in need of nerf.
Arson Mode
Ever thought you needed arsonist weapons? No? Well here it is anyway.
You have a Flamethrower (flammenwerfer), Flamthrower Fuel, and a Flamethrower Backpack. There is also a Molotov because I felt it was necessary.
Don't go into fire with the Flamethrower Backpack, it's dangerous. And please don't drink the fuel!
Everything here in "Arson Mode" requires the "Arson Mode" gamerule to be set to true! This was mainly because I want "Arson Mode", as it's name suggests, a different mode of the game where arson is just a thing.