Science and Blueprints

Published by Motte333 on
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This mod adds:

  • 2 new Blueprints
  • 3 new blocks


Electric Fence W.I.P

  • Emits Particels

Crafting:     A=Air S=Steel              

  • S A S
  • A S A
  • S A S

Compact Iron Block

Normal Block

Crafting:  I=Iron A=Air B=IronBlock

  • A I A
  • I B I
  • A I A

Reinforced Steel Block

Very Strong Block

Crafting:  O=Obsidian S=Steel

  • S O S
  • O S O
  • S O S


Steel Ingot 

Crafting A=Air C=Compact Iron Block L=Lava Bucket

  • A A A
  • A C A
  • A L A


Note: This is an W.I.P mod more Blueprints will be added soon.


  • Adds 10 EXP
  • Can be optained as grass seed

Crafting: M=Map LA=Lapiz P=Paper R=Redstone L=Leather A=Air

  • A R M
  • R L LA
  • P LA A

Rare Blueprint

  • Adds 80 EXP
  • Is written with blood

Crafting: T=Totem R=Redstone B=Blueprint D=Diamond A=Air

  • A R D
  • R B R
  • T R A


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Modification files
science_and_blueprints_mod.jarUploaded on: 04/24/2017 - 16:13   File size: 61.01 KB