Penguinplayz's Super Gun Mod

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Hey Guys, this is me Penguinplayz. and i have been working on this for a while. and now it is here and also, Thank You for 20 Subscribers and this is for you guys                              YouTube Channel Link Here.… Go and Check it out Thank You. and also Penguin On!


Hey Dudes my name is Penguinplayz. and Today I am going to tell about the mod so this is called the Super Gun Mod. so what it is about is these awesome Super Guns are in Minecraft Now. So the best one is the arrow gun. Because it can take anything in one shot! and it can shot far away and the bottle gun does teleports them a little bit just like an Enderman and the weapon battler does the same I think the rest is normal I think so that is about it.


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Penguinplayz' Uploaded on: 12/30/2017 - 19:57   File size: 69.17 KB