strage mobs mod

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In development
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its my first mod, 

Read this:

I don't talk a lot of english, sorry for my mistakes


This mod includes:


Skeleton King: WIP

drop: gold

Robot MK1: finished

this is like a golem, haves the AI of the golem

Drop: iron

Robot MK2: WIP


Robot Mk3: 1/2 

this is a robot that defend you of the hostile mobs


Golden mario:

Like a zombie, but powerful

drop: gold


bedrock boss: finished 

is the boss, have a lot of life and damage (impossible to defeat without Golden apples)



Bedrock sword: WIP

it should do 1,000 attack but still doing 1 attack D:<

Minecraft mod files
Strangemobsmod 1.12.2 V. 1.1.1.jar Uploaded on: 07/20/2018 - 03:12   File size: 111.2 KB

Bedrock sword: WIP

it should do 1,000 attack but still doing 1 attack D:<

1000 Damages won't work yet :/