Texture Buddies

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Hi and welcome to The Texture Buddy mod. This a quirky mod that focuses around a mob, but he is just a generic texture guide! Let jump right in to this weird mod.


The Texture Buddy

You can find the Texture Buddy's spawn egg at the bottom of the misc tab. It looks like a shulker's spawn egg but it is magenta instead of purple. Spawn him in your world! He is just a generic biped who wanders around the world like a player, but there is one thing that is off. He doesn't have a texture. It is just a texture guide or map that shows you how to create textures!


The Blank Ghast

You can find this mob's spawn egg at the bottom of the misc tab too. It is red with magenta dots. He is smaller than a normal ghast and will not attack you.


Q and A


Is this mod just mobs?

I have a textureless armor set planned


Why did you make this mod?

I thought this would be a funny and random idea for a mod!


How do I install this mod?

Well.. Here's how I would do it.

Step 1: Download the mod and copy it to your desktop

Step 2: Open Forge (It has to be version 28.1.106 exactly)

Step 3: Go to "Mods" and click Open Mods Folder

Step 4: Copy and paste TextureBuddy.jar or any version of The Texture Buddy Mod that you have into your mods folder

Step 5: Restart Forge and check "Mods". It should be there.. Have fun!


Thank you for looking at my mod. I hope you find it funny and I hope you have a great day!

Minecraft mod files
TextureBuddy.jar - Version 1.0.0 Uploaded on: 12/30/2019 - 22:09   File size: 110.65 KB
TextureBuddies1.0.1.jar - Version 1.1.0 Uploaded on: 12/31/2019 - 16:55   File size: 156.37 KB


The Blank Ghast



The name of the mod to Texture Buddies.