Upvotes: 0
Project status
In development
Project members
Modification type
Supported Minecraft versions
(I clarify, this mod has the rights of Pokemon Company, Nintendo and Game Freak)
Hi, I come with the Pokemon Reloaded mod, make minecraft a pokemon world,
Well these are the items.
-Healing Machine
-Pc pokemon
-Lightning stone
-Poke Mount
-Black tinted iron
-Red tinted iron
pokemons centers will be generated in the world it is more likely to appear with villagers
The pokemons:
-Bulbasaur -Ivysaur -Venusaur -Charmander -Charmeleon -Charizard -Squirtle -Wartortle -Blastoise -Caterpie -Metapod -Butterfree -Weedle -Kakuna -Beedrill -Pidgey-Pidgeotto -Pidgeot -Rattata -Raticate -Spearow -Fearow -Ekans -Arbok -Pikachu -Raichu (with alola shape) -Sandshrew -Sandslash -Exegcute -Exeggcutor (alola form too)
Well, that's all
Minecraft mod files
Pokemon Reload 1.0.jar
Uploaded on: 02/02/2021 - 06:26 File size: 1.24 MB
Can you update this mod to 1.15.2?