Austin's Adventures Mod

Published by AustinT342 on
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In development
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This is my 2nd mod, and my first serious one. This mod currently adds: 2 Biomes (1 is in the other dimension), 1 Dimension, 2 Ores, 1 Wood Type, 16 Tools, 13 Weapons, 22 Misc. Items/Materials & 3 Armor Sets. Please refer to the images for the more complicated recipes. That's about all for now, Hope you enjoy!

Minecraft mod files
Austin's Adventures Mod V5.0.1.jar - Added Further Mageblade Upgrades, Swordigo Weapons, & More! Uploaded on: 05/20/2021 - 21:30   File size: 661.01 KB
Austin's Adventures Mod V4.1.jar - Added A TON of stuff. Uploaded on: 05/12/2021 - 09:36   File size: 573.21 KB
Austin's Adventures Mod V3.2.jar - Corruption Dimension Added Uploaded on: 05/06/2021 - 05:12   File size: 290.06 KB
Austin's Adventures Mod V1.jar - Adds Corruption Biome Uploaded on: 05/06/2021 - 05:12   File size: 174.78 KB

05/20/2021 - Updated description to be accurate to newest version. Replaced V5 with V5.0.1: Fixed Brass Sword recipe being shapeless.

05/20/2021 - Added V5: Removed Super Gold Helmet, Added all Swordigo swords, more Mageblade upgrades, regular & Enchanted Golden Cookie variants, And implemented Axe Essence. (previously axe essence was unused.)

05/12/2021 - Reeplaced V4 with V4.1: Added Enchanted Golden Carrot, Super Gold Helmet, & Diamond/Netherite Boots +1

05/11/2021 - Removed V4 Prerelease 2, Added V4: Too much to count at this point, Go discover it yourself.

05/09/2021 - Added V4 Prerelease 2: Adds shiny hammer sticker, Shiny hammer, Scissors, And demon bow. Shiny hammer sticker generates in snowy tundra/snowy mountain, Scissors are made by stonecutting shears, Shiny hammer made by combining scissors and shiny hammer sticker in crafting grid, Demon bow crafted with 3 corruption essence (replaces the string in a regular bow) & 3 Demonite bars. (replaces the sticks in a regular bow)

05/06/2021 - (Published Mod. V1: Includes corruption biome with ores and such.) (V3.2: Added corruption dimension with corruption essence ore, Added miscellaneous items used to fully smelt corruption essence.)

i just realized im an idiot and the super gold helmet completely backfires because its technically not a gold helmet so the piglins attack you even if you wear it

the corruption biome and its materials/gear are indeed based on terraria's corruption biome, corruption essence is basically something i made up on the spot which is basically upgraded demonite. (also theres a few other references like the enchanted lava bucket from hypixel skyblock and the shiny hammer from paper mario)