The Desert Update (unable to be updated)

Published by KaidinOk on
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OK OK, i know i almost never update my mods, but this time is different.


Version plans:

V1: Make the desert visually appealing.

V2: Add mobs and more structures.

V3: Add more mobs, some more weapons, ambient effects, etc. (no more bosses)

V4+: ???



Welcome to The Desert Update! This mod is pretty self-explanatory, I updated the desert a little.


Skinim Trees (Built by my sister)

Skinim trees are some trees I made up because the planks look like skin.

They spawn all the time in the desert and can even make small little forests!

Uhh.... They look cool I guess. (sorry, I haven't made a Mcreator description in a long time)

Doors... soon

Plants (Ooh, pretty)

There are 8 plant types currently.

Desert Lily

Desert Marigold

Curve Leaf Yucca

Tempila (made up)


Desert Roots (made up?)

Padilion (made up)

Quantum Templia (made up)


Most are just for decoration, but one can give you some cool effects.

Obviously you know just by looking at the name. Quantum Templia. Its not the plant itself, but the berries.


Go to a brewing stand, put a templia in the place where you would put the potions, but an eye of ender in the place where you would put the main ingredient, and there you have it.

Now put the quantum templia in a crafting table with shears and you have the berries.


Structures (Not as useless as wells)

There are 3 types of structures as of now.

Templia Garden


Desert Ritual


Oasis's are structures that spawn sometimes in the desert. They provide water sources, and plant sources. and messing up world generation.

Templia Gardens spawn sometimes in the desert. They give mediocre loot and some templias.

Desert Rituals spawn sometimes in the desert. They also give mediocre but better loot.


Mobs (Never saw it coming)

There is only one mob currently and its for testing.




Coyotes spawn in the desert and will hunt rabbits, foxes, bats, and chickens, sometimes leaping at them.

They spawn in "groups" of 1 and 2.

If you hit a coyote they will attack back.



Notes/Fun Facts

Known Issues:

Oasis spawning on top of caves/lakes

Coyotes spawning at night (yes, thats not a feature)

Trees floating

Skinim wood not having doors



If you extract the files of the jar file you WON'T find any weapon and mob textures and find out that most are recycled vanilla textures!

Minecraft mod files
desert_update_v1.jar - The First Version (will always be here) Uploaded on: 01/15/2022 - 22:42   File size: 165.45 KB

V1: Added

This is cool. You should make another version of this mod that is server-side only. Lots of the blocks you use are vanilla, so that would be easy.