Global Warming & Clean Energy

Published by Stray123 on
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Its DONE!!!

Hello gamers! this is my “Participant in The Sustainability Project – MCreator x CurseForge ModJam” in which I have added Global Warming!

So how it works is every time you smelt an item, Global Warming increases. at higher levels your screen will become covered in smoke, and you will need a smoke mask to see clearly. at even higher levels, random wildfires will start happening at an increasing rate. And if you reach 1 million pounds of CO2 in the atmosphere...  you will trigger the APOCALYPSE!! yeah you really have to not care about your environment to trigger this. once you start the apocalypse, your entire world floods with water and every mob is constantly on fire! it is almost impossible to see without a smoke mask, as your screen is mostly just grey.

But... smelting is a necessity... how are we going to save our environment from this destruction?

The answer is simple: by using Clean Energy!

there is a new type of furnace that doesn't run on burning fuel: the oven! this thing can cook anything at any speed, granted you have the power. Power can be generated from several sources, each with their own uses and drawbacks:

HYDROPOWER: Powers the block below it when waterlogged, only works in river biomes.

WIND POWER: the higher up you go, the better returns you get.

SOLAR POWER: only powers when it is daytime, sunny, and if there is no roof over the panel.

NUCLEAR POWER: powered by uranium, which can be found in great quantities under oceans, and is easily the most effective source of power. HOWEVER, running the machine as an extremely low chance of just blowing up and destroying everything. Also sometimes generates nuclear waste, which damages you.

 Some misc items:

WEATHER BALLOON: does nothing on its own

WEATHER BALLOON CANNON: Actually makes for a good weapon, but not its intended use. Shoot it into the sky to let you know the amount of Greenhouse Gasses in the Atmosphere. Uses weather balloons as ammo

SMOKE MASK: used to stop smoke from blocking your vision.


/getglobalwarming basically just does the same thing shooting a weather balloon does, giving you the amount of global warming.

/setglobalwarming <number> pretty self-explanatory, sets global warming to a specific amount.

Gamerule DoGlobalWarming: toggles weather(lol) or not global warming occurs

Gamerule DeadlyFlood: Setting this to true makes flood water deadly (natural disaster minigames, anyone?)

Gamerule OceanRises: Allows Ocean Levels To Rise (Note, GlobalWarming must be enabled) basically allows the world to be flooded.

Check out the TRAILER to see these elements in action:

Global Warming & Clean Energy - Mods - Minecraft - CurseForge

Minecraft mod files - The mod in zip form Uploaded on: 03/22/2022 - 11:56   File size: 219.76 KB
Sustainability-Project.jar - The mod Uploaded on: 03/22/2022 - 11:56   File size: 261.78 KB


Is it possible to upload this mod for 1.18? I want to use this in my modpack SustainEnviroPack, but it’s incompatible because this mod is for 1.17…