Better Respawn (The Death of Mindthemoods)

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A relatively simple mod, removes respawn functionality from beds; and adds respawn functionality to spawners; which can be collected, repaired, and charged with EXP to set a respawn point. Players can make Memory Anchors, Duat Anchors, Abzu Anchors, and Khaos Anchors, allowing them to set their spawn point in the Overworld, in the Nether, Underwater, or in the End respectively. It removes respawn functionality from beds, aiming to make respawning more balanced, and encourage exploration while also adding a greater element of danger.

(Importantly, this Mod replaces several Vanilla Achievements related to beds and respawn anchors with its own variants- if you want to make this work properly, you'll also need to install the provided datapack, which you can download here, on Mcreator).

For more info on technical details and the specifics of how the new respawn system works, check out the Curseforge page!

Minecraft mod files - Removes and replaces achievements related to respawning Uploaded on: 07/04/2022 - 00:23   File size: 3.05 KB
BetterRespawnV2.6.jar - Old version for Minecraft 1.19.4 Uploaded on: 07/16/2023 - 15:40   File size: 2.32 MB
BetterRespawnV3.jar - Latest version for Minecraft 1.20.1 Uploaded on: 09/19/2023 - 18:56   File size: 2.32 MB
BetterRespawn(NEOFORGE)V4.0.jar - Latest version for Neoforge 1.21.1 Uploaded on: 10/30/2024 - 03:38   File size: 2.66 MB
  • Fixed Achievement nullifier. (Previously, child advancements of 'Sweet Dreams' could still be obtained even with Sweet Dreams blocked)
  • Anchors will now unanchor all bound players when the anchor is depleted or destroyed.
  • Khaos Anchors should now ignore the End Well, preventing an annoying thing where players could get deathtrapped in the End until their Khaos Anchor was depleted or destroyed.
  • Anchors now function using a teleportation system, rather than messing with vannilla respawn mechanics.
  • Updated the mod to 1.19.4
  • Updated the mod to 1.20.1


  • Updated all textures. (God it's been awhile...)
  • Updated everything to 1.21.1, Neoforge.
  • Replaced old ambient sounds with better ones. (Partly to distinguish them from Bits & Bob's Enderporters.)
  • Changed models for respawn anchors, which now have a lovely little flame inside.
  • Added new particle effects for setting respawn anchors. (By borrowing from the nifty new trial spawners...)
  • Status effects on death, as well as whether to deplete anchors, can now be configured via. gamerules.
  • Fixed some recipes not being given correctly.
  • Tweaked recipes slightly. Khaos anchors are now more expensive.
  • Fixed bug in which disabling an anchor while in the Nether, and then disabling an anchor in the Overworld could cause the player to respawn in the netherworld when no anchor was set.

But for some reason memory anchor works only like 50% of time and other 50% im at world spawn with "anchor was destroyed or deactivated" message.
although im making sure to activate it!

Void? There is now an anchor for the End dimension in the latest version. And if I do say so myself, it has the coolest sound effects of the bunch. (Mostly because I unabashedly sampled the Giygas sfx from Earthbound).