Nether Rebirth

Upvotes: 4
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This mod adds 4 unique biomes to the Nether. It adds 2 unique resources.

If you played this mod, I bet you would love it.

Current Biomes:

  • Sharan Jungle
  • Mushroom Wastes
  • Ice Plains
  • Amethyst Valley

Current Resources:

  • Sharanite
  • Titanium
  • Sathium

If you get tools and armor out of this mod's ores they are better than Netherrite and pretty useful.
I hope you love this mod and uprated it.
Enjoy this mod. 

Minecraft mod files
NetherRebirthV1.1.jar - You will need forge for this mod. Uploaded on: 10/09/2022 - 01:31   File size: 229.85 KB


  • Improved Sharan Jungle.
  • Added Sharan Resource.
  • Added Sharan Bricks with Slabs and Stairs.

I personally love when mods get creative with stuff, one thing i would do however is perhaps make some new blocks for the nether moss cave area? like just a bit of ash on them will do.

i love the ice biome, love that idea.

Submitted by Aatreyu_Shau on Mon, 10/03/2022 - 12:23 Permalink

Nice ! Just they don't quite fit into the nether that well. Like a frozen biome in a hot bubbling sizzling dimension doesn't quite work