Awesome Possums Mod

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This is my very first mod (or at least in a long while). It's very simple. It adds Possums to the game. They spawn in forests but are relatively uncommon. Unfortunately what is not as uncommon is Infested Grass. Infested Grass is tall grass that is full of Ticks. touching one will inflict the Tick debuff and will last for a very long time unless you find a Possum.


The Tick debuff makes pretty much everything worse. If you have the Tick debuff, whenever you wake up from bed you'll have Tick Paralysis for a few minutes, making it almost impossible to move until it wears off. And if you get hit by a mob, there's a chance of the Tick's body getting ripped off and it's head still being in your skin. If this happens you will get Tick Poisoning, resulting in random bouts of nausea and poison until the debuff runs out. However if the debuff runs out you'll die, so it's sort of a ticking clock to find a cure.


That cure being Possums! If you have any of the Tick related debuffs, the Possums will be able to cure them simply by you standing close to them. Also, if there's any Infested Grass nearby, the Possums will run to them and eat off all the ticks, turning it back to normal Tall Grass.

Possums will eat a large variety of things, most of it fruit, but they'll also eat spider eyes (as bugs are their favorite food). However be careful when trying to attract Possums to your base, because if you have a composter, Possums love to destroy it so they can eat whatever's inside, so beware of that!


--------------UPDATE 1.0.1-------------


Tameable Possums are here! Simply tame them with Spider Eyes or a fruit/vegetable and they may become your friend! Babies are not tameable however, and you must wait for them to mature in order to tame them.

There is also a new food: The Roasted Spider Eye! Whilst it won't tame Possums, and it's not the most appetizing for you to eat yourself, it's the only non-potion that heals Possums!

There are plans to add hats for your Possums to wear, including: A Crown, A Tiara, and A Fez. However, trying to make the Possum wear them will cause the game to crash. Perhaps I can make them work in the future, but as of now, they're just a fancy item you can only get in creative mode.

Minecraft mod files
Awesome Possums 1.0.1 - 1.19.2.jar Uploaded on: 04/25/2023 - 07:13   File size: 172.41 KB

Update 1.0.1

-Added the ability to tame Possums (Spider Eyes, along with a majority of fruits and vegetables, are used to tame them)

-Added Roasted Spider Eyes (Which you can use to heal Possums!)


-Removed Herobrine