Nats MH Toads

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In development
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Nats MH Toads


Nats MH (Monster Hunter) Toads is a mini mod that add 4 new mobs in the game inspired by the 4 differents toads added in Monster Hunter World and Rise
so here come the Paratoad, Sleeptoad, Blastoad and my personal favorite the Poisontoad.

Kill them if you want to see some magic ;)

Paratoad, Sleeptoad and Poisontoad can spawn in the Overworld 
Blastoad can spawn in the nether
For now they can spawn in any biome ( i think i will change that later )

The mod is in developpement so they will be futur updates later ! 


Minecraft mod files
Nats MH Toads.jar - Nats MH Toads Uploaded on: 02/23/2023 - 22:47   File size: 60.04 KB