Olympic Craft

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  Description: This mod adds multible ancient Weapons, which have unique abilities with custom animations.It also comes along with some new items and a new set of armor 


 Getting Started: 


The first thing you wan't to do is, to look after an anicent structure found commenly on the surface of grassy biome. In there you will find a book, which explains how all of the weapons work.



How to get the weapons:


To get those weapons you will need to look after a new ore called "Olympic Ore"(you will need a Netherrite pickaxe to mine it).The ore for itself is pretty much useless, you can not smelt it or craft it either. To use it you also need to search underground after an ancient smithing area, but once you found it, its quite simple to go on. Afterwards you have to use a new type of workbench only found in the ancient smithing are.



How to use the Olympic Workbench:


Simply rightclick it with the ore in your mainhand and press the extract button. Once this is done a new item called "Olympic Fragment" will pop out. The last Step is to just craft those Olympic Fragments into the weapon you want to have.To unlock all of the recipes press the "r" key





 There are three weapons that cannot be crafted ( Zeus Lightningbolt; Hades Scepter; Poseidons Trident).You can only find them by looking after their  personal temple in the sky, underground ore in the oceans.And also Dionysos Potion has to be brewed by putting one Olympic Fragment into a brewing stantd.



you also need to load the player animator library with this mod

Minecraft mod files
Olympic_Craft.v.2.jar Uploaded on: 04/18/2023 - 16:18   File size: 584.36 KB
Olympic_craft 1.2.jar Uploaded on: 04/14/2023 - 15:37   File size: 533.95 KB
player-animation-lib-forge-0.4.2+1.18.jar - put this also in your mods folder Uploaded on: 04/14/2023 - 11:08   File size: 158.31 KB

-solved a problem (the game didnt load up correctly)

-fixed some java model bugs

-added a laurel wreath



-added Spartian Armor 

-added Aphrodites Mirror (rightclick to go invisble)

-added a new advancement