Craft No Yaiba 1.19.2
required mods - https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/kleiders-custom-renderer-a… and  https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/playeranimator
Discord - https://discord.gg/YHtVZWAZMA
Trello - https://trello.com/b/K5nEUejE/craft-no-yaiba
Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/clozyfps
My discord user - clozy#3837
Found any bugs? Report them in the discord server or the Curseforge comment section. Same goes with suggestions!
Updates will be frequent!!
Tutorial -
What is there to do?
Fight Demons
Complete Missions as a demon slayer
increase your stats by running, attacking, and being attacked.
Awaken your slayer mark!
Visit the wordsmith village!
Many, Many more!
Now, let's get into progression.
Human Path Craft a katana to get started, a breathing and clan is given to you off spawn.
Some clans give buffs. For example, the Uzui clan significantly reduces fall damage.
Do you want to increase your stats? For speed, running increases your speed mastery. For Strength, Hitting entities and breaking blocks increases your strength mastery.
For Health, simply taking damage will give you health mastery.
You can check mastery in the menu.
You can also increase stats by doing certain quests.
Now, the final selection.
Find one of the ubuyashiki girls and right click her.
Now you must kill 15 demons.
After completing the final selection, you will be given a demon slayer uniform, a Nichirin connected to your breathing, and a crow. The crow will drop you a scroll every now and then.
These missions will give you something called "demon slayer exp" This is how you climb the ranks, but of course, you have the option to just kill demons.
**How do I train my breathing?**simply crafting a gourd. (Wood, Wool, and 1 coal) Right-click the gourd and it will upgrade your breathing level. To get total concentration, you must get 70 breathing. Total concentration will passively increase your breathing without
having to manually breathe.
There are many different advancements to learn (stats, skills such as transparent world, crimson blade, slayer mark and more)
Demon Path There are multiple ways to become a demon. (getting Muzan blood)
- Talk to an upper moon 2. Kill an upper moon (drops blood)
- Die to Muzan (40% Chance)
- **Right-click a beheaded demon head (Low Chance) (Only works with demons)*
**How do I progress?**Simply killing mobs. You will slowly gain exp to level up in moons (lower rank, upper rank)
**How do I get stronger? Drink Muzan Blood.
How do I get my blood demon art?
Your second Muzan blood drink will give you a random bda.
The rest is for you to explore..
This mod was created with mcreator! https://mcreator.net
Fixed some bugs - craft no yaiba version 1.2
Please remove the third party mod downloads (you can leave the links, but not the files). You can't redistribute other people's mods if you don't have their permission to do so.