Minecraft entity model animations in Blockbench

Starting MCreator 2024.4, one can use vanilla keyframe animations to animate entities. Before MCreator 2024.4, we recommend the use of the Geckolib plugin for MCreator.

Animating using Blockbench

To animate your model using Blockbench, first design it. Make sure to use the Modded Entity model format and to follow our Blockbench model guidelines. After your design is complete, switch to the "Animate" tab to define animations.

Animate tab in Blockbench

Define keyframes for your animations, and specify for each animation if it is looped. Use animation names that are valid Java names, meaning no whitespace or dots, only numbers, and English letters, and underscore characters. Using other characters will result in Gralde build errors.

Animation names in Blockbench

To export your animation, use File -> Export -> Export Modded Entity animations. Double-check your model and animations have valid names!

How to export animations in Blockbench

Converting Geckolib animated model

To convert the Geckolib animated model to a vanilla keyframe animated model, use the File -> Convert option. In some cases, offsets and pivot points of the model may not transform correctly and you may need to do some manual adjustments.

Video tutorial

If you prefer to watch the video, you can find the wiki page above summarized in a video:

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