Space Adventures Mod

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Welcome to the space adventures mod! Where you explore moons and planets!

This mod is still in beta, so updates might be coming soon

What it adds:

Currently: 8 dimensions moon, mars, asteroid belt, europa, titan, kuiper belt, pluto and sedna

Aliens and alien meat

Killing an alien gives you alien meat, it gives you 6 hunger points, you can cook alien meat which gives you 12 hunger points.

On these dimensions, you can get rocks

You can find stones underground in every dimension except for the asteroid belt and the kuiper belt

Use JEI for recipes

Now theres alien biome!

Minecraft mod files
SpaceAdventuresMod0.6.jar - [LATEST] Uploaded on: 08/28/2020 - 11:50   File size: 430.53 KB

Version 0.6: Upgraded to version 1.15.2, removed advancements, alien pig and some other stuff and added space suit (has no use)

Version 0.5.1: Added kuiper belt

Version 0.5: Added stones in all of the dimensions except for the asteroid belt

Version 0.4.3: The asteroid dimension is now called the asteroid belt

Version 0.4.2: Added alien biome

Version 0.4.1: Added alien porkchop and fixed to europa advancement icon

Version 0.4: Fixed some blocks where you cant get them by mining and added sedna and asteroid dimensions including thier advancements

Version 0.3: Added titan and pluto dimensions including thier advancements and fixed europa rock name

Version 0.2.1: Added alien pig and alien porkchop

Version 0.2: Fixed where you cant get mars rock and added venus and europa dimensions including their advancements

Version 0.1: Initial release

Sorry that i didnt update the mod for a long time, there will still be updates