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Elementium is a mod that adds 6 ores; Gaea, Infernus, Oceanite, Stratus, chlorophyte, and electrite. Infernus, Stratus, electrite, and chlorophyte creates tools and Oceanite, chlorophyte, and electrite creates armor, There are currently no plans to give a use to gaea other than the infernus refiner.

Overworld ores:

Gaea ore - drops Gaea ore, can be smelted for 1 gaea ingot, spawns overworld underground

Cloud - drops 2 Stratus crystals, when crystals right clicked on Stratus refiner it creates refined Stratus crystals, spawns overworld in the air

Oceanite ore - drops Oceanite ore, can be smelted for 1 Oceanite ingot, spawns overworld in water biomes

Infernus - drops 2 Infernus chunks, when smelted creates Infernus, when Infernus right clicked on Infernus refiner it creates refined Infernus, spawns overworld underground


Infernus can create tools (all except a hoe because they are useless)  

Infernus tools are above damage and harvest level of diamond, they also light mobs on fire.

Each Infernus tool can be reinforced by putting it in a crafting table and surrounding it with refined fireium to create tools with durabilty of 40,000


Oceanite armor - with helmet on you get water breathing, when wearing boots you get fire resistance.


Stratus can be used to create tools (all except hoe again)

Stratus sword gives mobs levitation effect when struck,

Stratus pickaxe has same harvest level as diamond.


by placing a refined Stratus block with either the Infernus sword OR refined Infernus sword (shapeless recipe) you get a 'tipped' sword sword which has same damage as infernus sword but gives mobs levitation effect instead of burning them.



iceberry bush - drops 4 iceberries, spawns only in normal forest biome

iceberries - restores 0.5 drumsticks of hunger 

Lettuce - get lettuce seeds from grass and use that to grow lettuce like a crop, crop drops lettuce leaves, lettuce leaves heal 1 drumstick of hunger

Iceberry salad - combine a bowl, 3 lettuce leaves, 3 iceberries to create the salad, heals 3.5 drumsticks of hunger

Hamburger - two bread and a cooked steak create a burger, heals 6 drumsticks



the ruin update adds a new dimension named the "abyss" currently it is a little bit boring but adds 2 new ores, chlorophyte and electrite, to get to the dimension you must find a naturally generated structure called the ruin portal, to open the portal first you need to make a golden key and then you have to set off in an adventure to find 5 mystical gems to add to it, these gems spawn in spikes on the overworld and are very rare, and the gems must be put one by one into to golden key, the gems are: charoite, kyanite, carnelian, vanadinite, and peridot. once they are all in you have a key that can successfully open the portal.

The dimension is still being added too and there are more features to come

Abyss ores:

Chlorophyte - drops 1 chlorophyte, thats it, nothing else special about getting it, spawns in the Abyss underground

Electrite - DO NOT MINE! mining will just give you ancient cobblestone, you must right click the ore with a jar to get an electrite jar, then smelt that jar to get a high voltage electrite jar, spawns in the Abyss underground

Electrite sword - stuns mobs upon being hit

Electrite pickaxe - harvest level of diamond, with high efficiency

Chlorophyte tools (including hoe this time, but excluding pickaxe and sword), same durability as electrite

Chlorophyte armour - chestplate gives regeneration

Electrite armour - made by surrounding chlorophyte armour with 4 high voltage electrite jars, helmet gives night vision, chestplate gives haste


Decayed tools - made from decayed splinters (splinters from mining decayed logs), same harvest level as wood, but half the durability

Ancient stone tools - made from ancient cobblestone, same harvest level as stone, but the durability of traditional wooden tools


Decayed logs - when mined gives 4 decayed splinters which can be used to make sticks or tools, if you want decayed planks, you must mine the log with a silk touch tool and use the log normally to make decayed planks

Use either JEI or NEI for recipes!!


This is my first mod so please don't hate, if you have any suggestions for anything please let me know! If there are any bugs please let me know as well and i will do my best to fix them :)


Minecraft mod files
ElementiumModV1.0.1(1.12.2).jar - Texture update Uploaded on: 12/08/2019 - 23:59   File size: 182.04 KB
ElementiumModV1.1.0(1.12.2).jar - Airium tool update Uploaded on: 12/11/2019 - 05:56   File size: 217.14 KB
ElementiumModV1.2.0(1.12.2)_0.jar - Texture refinements, Item/tool changes, food additions, etc. Uploaded on: 12/24/2019 - 07:03   File size: 290.48 KB
ElementiumModV1.3.0(1.12.2).jar - Ruin portal update (latest update) Uploaded on: 05/01/2020 - 00:40   File size: 610.52 KB


Ruin update

-added new dimension called the 'Abyss'

-added generated structure called 'Ruin portal'

-added new blocks to the dimension (ancient stone, ancient cobblestone, ruin bricks, cracked ruin bricks, chiseled ruin bricks, decayed log, and decayed planks) 

-added 2 new ores (chlorophyte and electrite)

-added golden key

-added 5 mystical gems (charoite, kyanite, carnelian, vanadinite, and peridot)

-added 5 different types of spikes where you can find the 5 mystical gems on top

-added decayed tool set

-added ancient stone tool set

-Lettuce can now be found naturally


Big update 1

-added 3 foods, lettuce leaf, Hamburger, and iceberry salad

-Textures look more 'Vanilla' including all tools / armour and refiners

-Ores have been renamed

-Infernus sword now lights mobs on fire, damage reduced

-Tipped infernus sword doesnt increase the damage but rather gives levitation effect

-Stratus sword gives levitation effect, damage reduced

-Oceanite helmet gives wearer water breathing

-Oceanite boots give wearer fire resistance

-Oceanite Armour defence lowered

-Lettuce crop added

-both refiners use redstone instead of coal for recipes


Airium tool update

-added airium tools (except hoe)

-added 'fireium refiner'

-'refiner' renamed to 'airium refiner', only refines airium now

-tipped fireium swords added

-iceberry bush and iceberries added

-Airium ore made slightly rarer

-bug fixed where refined fireium block could be mined by anything and still drop


Texture Update

-Ores look more natural

-Refiner texture modified


-Original release


You should change the hamburgers. If you just eat the ingredients (2 bread and a steak), you get 10 drumsticks. This is means the new food item is quite wasteful. The only use is to show off to you friends how rich you are?

Not bad for your first mod!
(Not hater suggestions):
1. Don't use the mcreator texture maker. It is un-vanilla like and not advanced. Lots of people dislike mcreator template generator mods because they usually are made without a lot of effort. Instead, download an app like paint.net and download a vanilla texture pack and edit it. Also, you can use this website: https://minecraft.novaskin.me/resourcepacks
which supports color filters and has all vanilla textures/sounds.
2. Rename the metals because airium and earthium sound weird, maybe a better name like Inferno ingot and Gaea ingot?
3. Maybe you can add special skills to tools like levitation for airium and auto fire aspect for fireium?
Keep up the great effort! I also made a mineral mod: https://mcreator.net/modification/51661/alloy-snapshot-saga

Thanks for your feedback! im currently redoing all the tool textures so that they look vanilla, and i will rename all 4 ores, and I just added the levitation effect to the airium sword and the fireium sword inflicts fire now. again thank you for your feedback it is greatly appreciated. If there is anything else please let me know