I Am A Rock

Published by NikG on
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That just a huge JoJo Reference for community education. Read the manga

In this mod you'll be a rock

First of all, you need to craft Akakakar Fruit

That is very useful but dangerous

Wanna try?

If something got wrong, just eat Akakakar Tablet. That isn't reference

Next you need to craft Stone Heart

When you use it, you'll become a rockman (https://jojo.fandom.com/wiki/Rock_Human)

About all boosts you can read on wiki

Modification files
iamarock_1.jar - Version 1.0.1_1.12.2Uploaded on: 12/01/2019 - 15:19   File size: 62.57 KB
iamarock_2.jar - Version 1.0.1_1.14.4Uploaded on: 12/01/2019 - 15:20   File size: 59.63 KB

Oh? You're approaching my mod?
i want to absorb your mod into mine, is this fine? I dont want to just steal your entire mod, but i mean i do.
remember: kono dio da!