
Published by ImNotFun on
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Rust Cubed 3.x will take the mod in a new direction - closer to what I had envisioned for it in the first place.

The original versions of Rust Cubed are still available to download, though I will not update these versions into 1.16 or 1.17. Rust Cubed 3.x has removed pretty much everything from the original mod as it is in the process of being completely remade - which has not gone very smoothly, I'll get to it later (uh oh).

All melee weapons and handguns have been implemented into the mod with shiny new 3D models. The handguns have all received a new coat of paint both on their looks and how they function - now each having individual ammunition capacities and reloading. This isn't perfect and I'm aware of a few bugs which will be fixed throughout the development of the mod.

Weapons - Melee

- Longsword

- Mace

- Machete

- Salvaged Cleaver (Inflicts Bleed)

- Salvaged Sword

- Stone Spear & Wooden Spear (Can be thrown)

Weapons - Ranged

- Eoka Pistol

- M92

- Nailgun

- Python Revolver

- Revolver

- Semi-Automatic Pistol


As well as changing up how the guns work, I've started work on a new armour (Ignore spelling, I'm Australian) system that follows the armour system of rust more closely. Each piece of armour has individual resistances to different types of damage - for example: bullet damage, melee damage, explosion damage, and finally bleed, radiation, bite* and cold damage. Bleed, radiation and cold are new debuffs in the mod that are will be applied when you either enter an irradiated or cold area, or are attacked by something that causes you to bleed. *Bite damage is inflicted by mobs like wolves, zombies ect. (not yet implemented)


- Metal armour (This is a prototype and very broken)



- Faded bricks (all variations - walls, stairs, slabs ect.)

- Plastered Bricks

- Tires


Minecraft mod files
rust_cubed-ver3.0.0-1.16.5.jar - [3.0.0] Rust Cubed - Early Alpha 3.x Uploaded on: 11/06/2021 - 14:29   File size: 504.88 KB
rustcubedupdate0.2.jar - [0.2] Rust Cubed Uploaded on: 03/18/2020 - 10:33   File size: 873.75 KB
rustcubedupdate0.1.jar - [0.1] Rust Cubed Uploaded on: 03/17/2020 - 06:22   File size: 276.89 KB
rustcubed.jar - [0.0] Rust Cubed Mod File Uploaded on: 03/01/2020 - 09:32   File size: 227.63 KB

Rust Cubed 3.x Early Alpha released

Submitted by Aatreyu_Shau on Sun, 07/10/2022 - 03:36 Permalink

sooo post-apocaliptic mod??????

i find this mod something new (I never saw someone doing rust mods)
and i didn't play it jet BUT i will soon!
it seems a pretty cool mod, but i would suggest you something: add the Recipes for the Guns.
the Recipes could be exact the same as in rust? idk
but it seems cool to play :)