Craft-vania: Weapons and Items from Castlevania

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Weapons and Items from the Castlevania series.



New Items

  • Morning Star Whip

A standard chain whip that has a good chance to drop hearts on hit. Does slightly more 

damage than an iron sword.

  • Hrunting

A sword that poisons mobs and has a good chance to drop hearts on hit. Does slightly more damage than an iron sword

  • Claimh Solais

A slow but powerful broadsword that has a high chance to drop hearts on hit. 

  • Holy Flame

A fire-based sub-weapon.

  • Sunstone and Moonstone

Relics that grant strength during the day and night, respectively.

  • Mace

A slow melee weapon that can be used to craft the shield rod.

  • Shield Rod

A slow melee weapon that grants strength and resistance when held with a shield in the other hand.

  • Jewel Sword

A sword that has a chance to drop various jewels upon hitting a mob. (In order, from least to most rare: lapis lazuli, nether quartz, white crystal, red crystal, blue crystal, green crystal, emerald, diamond) 

  • Vampire Killer (Retro) and Alucard Sword (modern)

Different looks for the Vampire Killer and Alucard Sword. Craft them by placing the Vampire Killer or Alucard Sword by themselves in the crafting grid. The Vampire Killer (Retro) is based on its original appearance, while the Alucard Sword (Modern) is based on its more recent appearances.

  • Heart Brooch

Increases heart drop rate when attacking mobs.



  • Chain Whip

The chain whip no longer requires a spiked ball to make,  that recipe now applies to the morning star whip.

  • Hearts

There is now a universal chance to drop hearts while attacking mobs, regardless of held item or weapon.

  • Sub-Weapons

Significantly increased the durability of all sub-weapons

  • Holy Water

Holy water now travels along the x or y axis, depending on the direction that it is thrown. Holy water now applies both slowness and wither.

  • Vibhuti

Now applies wither.

  • Agunea

Fixed the sounds not playing while using the agunea

  • New Names

The fire charm and wall meat have been renamed to the flame necklace and pot roast, respectively.

  • New Textures

The agunea, flame necklace, pot roast, and all of the whips have new, updated textures.



Hello, welcome to Craft-vania! This mod adds several weapons, items, and relics from the Castlevania series into Minecraft. This is the first Minecraft mod I have ever made, and I am excited to finally share it with the world. If there are any serious bugs or problems, please let me know and I will do what I can to fix them.


All weapons added in this mod (with the exception of the Alucard Sword) have a chance to drop hearts whenever they hit a mob. Better weapons generally have a better chance of dropping hearts.

  • Leather Whip

An easy-to-produce weapon that has a small chance to drop hearts on hit. Does slightly more damage than the stone sword.

  • Chain Whip

A standard chain whip that has a good chance to drop hearts on hit. Does the same

damage as an iron sword.

  • Flame Whip

A whip that ignites mobs on hit. Does the same damage as the iron sword.

  • Ice Whip

A whip that has a chance to freeze enemies in place. Does the same damage as the iron sword.

  • Gold Chain Whip

A less durable chain whip that has the highest chance to drop hearts on hit. Does the same damage as the iron sword.

  • Diamond Chain Whip

A durable chain whip with a good chance to drop hearts on hit. Does the same damage as a diamond sword.

  • Vampire Killer

A very powerful whip with a high chance to drop hearts on hit. Does more damage than the diamond sword.

  • Vorpal Blade

A sword with a very high attack speed. Does slightly more damage than the stone sword.

  • Crissaegrim

A sword with an extremely high attack speed. Does slightly more damage than the Diamond Sword

  • Alucard Sword

A sword that allows its user to teleport. Does the same damage as the diamond sword.

  • Nunchakus

A unique weapon that hits twice. Does around the same damage as the iron sword.



All sub-weapons require hearts as ammo. Some use one regular heart on each use, while others use big hearts, which are four hearts each. Projectile sub-weapons have a chance to drop hearts on hit.

One Heart

  • Throwing Knife

A fast but weak projectile with a long range.

  • Holy Water

Creates a lingering field that slows mobs down. Direct hits with the projectile will ignite mobs.

  • Throwing Axe

A short-range projectile that does good damage. Best thrown at an angle.

  • Cross

A medium-range projectile that does damage between the throwing knife and throwing axe. (does not yet function like a boomerang)

  • Vibhuti

Creates a lingering field of damage. This weapon is completely silent and can be used to heal undead mobs.

  • Fire Bomb

Creates a patch of fire. Direct hits with the projectile will ignite mobs.

  • Griffin’s Wing

Grants a massive jump boost for a short time. Also prevents the user from taking fall damage.

Four Hearts

  • Stopwatch

Freezes mobs around you in place for a short period of time. While they can’t move, mobs can still attack you. This weapon will also prevent you from being slowed.

  • Herb

Grants regeneration for a short time.

  • Agunea

Shoots very fast, high-range, high-damage projectiles. This weapon shoots automatically, so watch your hearts.

  • Invisibility Potion

Grants invisibility and resistance for a short time.



  • Heart

Used as ammo for sub-weapons and in crafting. Hearts can be obtained in three ways. First, they can be obtained by hitting mobs with the weapons and sub-weapons from this mod. Second, they can be crafted. Three rotting flesh (in any position) will make five hearts. Lastly, breaking grass has a small chance to drop hearts.

  • Big Heart

Made up of five hearts, and crafted by placing four hearts in any position on a crafting table. Right-clicking with a big heart in your hand will transform it into four regular hearts.

  • Wall Meat

A food item made by surrounding cooked meat in cobblestone. Grants strength for a short time. This item can also be found in suspicious cobblestone and suspicious stone brick blocks.

  • Magic Crystal

A rare item that fully restores health upon use.



Relics are items that grant bonuses just from being in your inventory.

  • Double Shot

Decreases the cooldown on sub-weapons a bit.

  • Triple Shot

Significantly decreases the cooldown on sub-weapons.

  • Leap Stone

Boosts jump height.

  • Talisman

Grants resistance when at low health.

  • Mermaid Statue

Grants water breathing.

  • Fire Charm

Grants fire resistance.

  • Eye of Vlad

Grants luck and prevents the user from being blinded.

  • Ring of Vlad

Protects the user from poison, nausea, and wither.

  • God Speed Shoes

Grants a speed boost while equipped on feet.


Crafting Materials

  • Leather Cord

Used to make the leather whip.

  • Chain

Used to make most whips.

  • Spiked Ball

Used to make the chain, flame, ice, gold, and diamond whips.

  • White Crystal

Used to make relics and some weapons.

  • Red Crystal

Used to make relics and some weapons.

  • Green Crystal

Used to make relics and some weapons.

  • Blue Crystal

Used to make relics and some weapons.



  • Suspicious Cobblestone

Drops wall meat when broken

  • Suspicious Stone Bricks

Drops wall meat when broken


Minecraft mod files
Craftsylvania_1.1.0.jar Uploaded on: 07/06/2020 - 15:21   File size: 5.66 MB
Craftsylvania_1.0.0.jar Uploaded on: 03/13/2020 - 01:53   File size: 624.78 KB

New Items

  • Morning Star Whip

A standard chain whip that has a good chance to drop hearts on hit. Does slightly more 

damage than an iron sword.

  • Hrunting

A sword that poisons mobs and has a good chance to drop hearts on hit. Does slightly more damage than an iron sword

  • Claimh Solais

A slow but powerful broadsword that has a high chance to drop hearts on hit. 

  • Holy Flame

A fire-based sub-weapon.

  • Sunstone and Moonstone

Relics that grant strength during the day and night, respectively.

  • Mace

A slow melee weapon that can be used to craft the shield rod.

  • Shield Rod

A slow melee weapon that grants strength and resistance when held with a shield in the other hand.

  • Jewel Sword

A sword that has a chance to drop various jewels upon hitting a mob. (In order, from least to most rare: lapis lazuli, nether quartz, white crystal, red crystal, blue crystal, green crystal, emerald, diamond) 

  • Vampire Killer (Retro) and Alucard Sword (modern)

Different looks for the Vampire Killer and Alucard Sword. Craft them by placing the Vampire Killer or Alucard Sword by themselves in the crafting grid. The Vampire Killer (Retro) is based on its original appearance, while the Alucard Sword (Modern) is based on its more recent appearances.

  • Heart Brooch

Increases heart drop rate when attacking mobs.



  • Chain Whip

The chain whip no longer requires a spiked ball to make,  that recipe now applies to the morning star whip.

  • Hearts

There is now a universal chance to drop hearts while attacking mobs, regardless of held item or weapon.

  • Sub-Weapons

Significantly increased the durability of all sub-weapons

  • Holy Water

Holy water now travels along the x or y axis, depending on the direction that it is thrown. Holy water now applies both slowness and wither.

  • Vibhuti

Now applies wither.

  • Agunea

Fixed the sounds not playing while using the agunea

  • New Names

The fire charm and wall meat have been renamed to the flame necklace and pot roast, respectively.

  • New Textures

The agunea, flame necklace, pot roast, and all of the whips have new, updated textures.


Because its from castlevania does that mean that the texture are not made by you? Is that the castlevania textures? Anyway nice mod!

Me and a friend of mine have been playing your mod for the past week or so and we have been enjoying it so far. One of the biggest problems we've been having is the lack of enchantments that put onto the tools that's on this mod, such as sharpness or looting on the whips. Another minor complaint by my friend is that there is no animation for the whip, which I know is difficult to incorporate using MCreator. Those are really all we're worried about atm. Thanks for designing this mod though. (My friend said it would be funny to be able to chop a tree with the throwing axe as well.)