Glowing Mushroom Biome

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A few weeks ago I was looking about for some good cave mods, there are some but they only add different generation, small changes, new ores or surface biome characteristics to the caves beneath them. I didn't like that journey for nothing very much so I've made this mod, It's pretty small, only adding a handful of blocks and plants but I think it really helps liven up caves a bit.

This mod essentially adds a underground mushroom biome, with it's own dirt (shwoom moss), mushrooms (huge shwooms) and grass (shwoom roots). Shwoom may look pretty, but don't be fooled. Shwoom spreads, spawning new plants as it infects stone and worst of all, while its luminance stops mod spawning, any zombies that walk onto shwoom moss or any zombies that shwoom moss spreads under becomes infected itself, becoming far stronger and naturally aggressive other mobs and the player.

Shwoom stem can be turned into a blue variant of planks which can be used like normal creating a different but dangerous source of wood underground. The wood set isn't complete yet and I will if I find the motivation to finish this project :)

There's still quite a lot of stuff I'd like to do, and it goes without saying this is still a work in progress so let me know if you have any ideas or bugs :D

Minecraft mod files
ShwoomsMod1.1.jar - Current Best Uploaded on: 07/15/2020 - 20:30   File size: 141.73 KB

This looks interesting, wonder where your going with it, from a modders mindset :D