Plants vs zombies its about time, I need help

Published by Lloyd95XD on
Upvotes: 4
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Hello!!! I publish this mod because it is a very basic alpha and I want to tell you that I have several ideas for this project and I am willing to invest several hours. The problem? I don't know very well about coding and configuring the artificial intelligence of mobs, but I already have some models ready, I just need to upload and configure them. If you can help me with this project to code and if you want but that is the option to send models. I leave you my discord Lloyd95XD#8934 I await your answers.
Minecraft mod files
Pvz its about time - 0.0.1.jar Uploaded on: 08/18/2020 - 18:46   File size: 40.23 KB


-small Peashooter

.Pea Proyectile


Omg a plants vs zombies mod! I've always wanted one! Thanks for making my dream come true even if it is in a very early stage

Hello!!! I publish this mod because it is a very basic alpha and I want to tell you that I have several ideas for this project and I am willing to invest several hours. The problem? I don't know very well about coding and configuring the artificial intelligence of mobs, but I already have some models ready, I just need to upload and configure them. If you can help me with this project to code and if you want but that is the option to send models. I leave you my discord Lloyd95XD#8934 I await your answers.