Feder's Dungeon Armors

Published by itayfeder on
Upvotes: 35
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Welcome to Feder's Dungeon Armors!!!

Dungeon armors is a mod that takes armor sets from the newest game in the Minecraft franchise - Minecraft: Dungeons, and adds them into normal Minecraft.
Currently, there are 12 armor sets in the game that are taken from Minecraft: Dungeons, 10 of them are from the base game, one is from the first DLC of Minecraft Dungeons - Jungle Awakens, and one is from the second DLC of Minecraft Dungeons - Creeping Winter.

The armor sets are:

  • Thief Armor
  • Evocation Robe
  • Wolf Armor
  • Grim Armor
  • Mercenary Armor
  • Spelunker Armor (Comes with a little flame on the helmet)
  • Reinforced Mail Armor
  • Snow Armor (from Minecraft Dungeons: Creeping Winter)
  • Archer's Strappings
  • Soul Robe
  • Mystery Armor
  • Ocelot Armor (From Minecraft Dungeons: Jungle Awakens)

Do you think you have what it takes to get all of the armor pieces? Well, in the Advancement Tree you can find all of the armor pieces that are left for you to collect, and how many sets you already collected.


But how do you get these armor sets?

There are 2 ways to get the armor pieces from the mod: the Armor Bag and the Loot Piggy.

A loot chest with Armor Bag

Armor Bags are a gray bag, with a purple string tied at the top of it. You can find this Armor Bag inside many dungeons like Desert Temples, Jungle Temples, End Cities, Nether Fortresses, and more. To open these Armor Bags, just right click with them in your hand, the Armor Bag will disappear, and a random armor piece will appear. All armor pieces have an equal chance to appear.

Loot Piggy Image

The Loot Piggy is a new mob that was added to this game with the mod. It is very rare, and can be found in every biome a normal pig can spawn in, and also inside dungeons. When you kill it, it drops porkchop (because it's still a pig), some Emeralds and 3 random armor pieces. Like the Armor Bag, all armor pieces have a equel chance to appear!

Have a suggestion? Found a bug?

You can always contact me through this page in the comments, or through Discord at itayfeder#6487.

Anyway, thank you so much for downloading this mod, and I hope you are having fun with it! This mod is always updating and getting better, so keep an eye on it.

Minecraft mod files
dungeon_armors_1.0.0.jar - Dungeon Armors Version 1.0.0 Uploaded on: 06/13/2020 - 07:56   File size: 219.08 KB
dungeon_armors_1.1.0.jar - Dungeon Armors Version 1.1.0 Uploaded on: 06/16/2020 - 08:46   File size: 283.23 KB

Version 1.1.0 changelog:

- added Soul Armor Set

- added Mystery Armor Set

- added Ocelot Armor Set

- added Loot Piggy

- changed the advancement tree, to make it more symmetrical, and added a new advancement

- fixed some armor model issues


Version 1.0.0 changelog:

- added Thief Armor Set

- added Evocation Armor Set

- added Wolf Armor Set

- added Grim Armor Set

- added Mercenary Armor Set

- added Splunker Armor Set

- added Reinforced Mail Armor Set

- added Snow Armor Set

- added Archer's Strappings

Actually the models and textures are really cool. You did a very good job !

N I C E job man keep going and soon everyone will know about your mods i can't wait to see more armors but take your time man

Could I use this in a modpack?? Since I was thinking of making a modpack with all mcreator mods. Also if I can use this in a modpack once I am done the modpack I would link it here.

By the way, how did you make the models for the armor?
Every time I try it it doesn't work right.

This is absolutely a masterpeice of absolutely awesome models.
This is also extremely well fitted for Oh Dungeon Items Mod.
Keep up the good work! ;)