
Published by FanelLore on
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"Introducing Neverdark, A Dimension Where It Is Always Dark..."


Welcome to Neverdark!

Neverdark is a mod all about exploring, mining, and survival. The mod adds a whole new dark dimension that includes several ores, 8 biomes, and many tools! Though this mod is still in early development, much of the stuff in the mod is accessible and you can have plenty of fun with!

  A long time ago, there was a conflict heavy realm called Neverdark. There were two major powers, and they both sought to win the whole realm. One of the groups commanded a large band of necromancers to bring back a fallen god to aid them in war. However, their revival went terribly wrong, and they were consumed as fuel to finish a ritual they did not expect to make the whole world into a dark abyss. 

  The creatures of the realm were all corrupted into eerie undead, and thus journeys into the realm were difficult and harsh. One of the necromancers opposing the band of necromancers responsible managed to use his magic to save himself, but consumed his magical powers in doing so. He is rumored to still be alive, in his lost halls, which are now known to be most likely buried deep beneath the surface. Some ruins of the battle and ancient magical devices still are scattered across the dimension, haunted by undead and mass graves.

  In some places, there are rifts in reality where the ritual did not affect those areas, that are similar to lands of the overworld.

This mod adds:

  • 16 advancements
  • 8 biomes
  • 125 blocks
  • 1 dimension
  • 8 foods
  • 23 other items, not including tools
  • 22 structures
  • 25 tools
  • And much more!

Note: Almost all of these elements are in Neverdark, not the overworld.

Because this mod is still in early development, I cannot promise that the all of the content is exactly reliable (In other words, I might have forgotten to make a recipe for something important). However, if you feel like I might have forgotten something, let me know in the comments and I'll fix it right away!
To get to the dimension, it is pretty simple. You first have to explore your world in the Overworld and search for a broken portal on the surface (Similar to a broken Nether Portal in 1.16). It includes a chest, that holds some goodies. After you find the portal, you need to mine deep underneath mining level of 30. At this level, you'll find a new type of stone (Depth Stone), and this stone can hold new special ores. You'll need to mine up a fairish amount of Beryllium, Prismatic Crystal, and Runic Crystal ores. With these items, you can craft an abyssal wand, which acts as the portal igniter to the portal. With the Runic Crystals and some depth stone, you can also make the portal block that is missing in the broken portal. And that's basically as easy as it gets!

There are many things to discover in this dimension, such as a large dungeon, many biomes, and you can even make cool stuff out of the results.


Jump in and explore the land of Neverdark!

General Overview of Biomes


  • Crimson Forest Biome - An eerie forest of crimson colors and secrets.
  • Shadow Spires Biome - Neverdark's equal to ice spikes, this biome has tall spires that span throughout.
  • Mysteria Forest - Mysteria Forests contain large glowing trees glowing the mysteria color.
  • Shadow Forest Biome - A stantard forest biome with a variation of trees.
  • Shadow Marsh Biome - Home to cragwood and other trees, marshes have a variety of plants that grow there.

Note: this is my first mod, so feel free to comment on things that you think should be improved. Because I only took a month or two to make this mod, I'm planning on continuing it for awhile. Also, if there's an extremely important issue, such as the .jar not working, I need to make sure as soon as possible to fix it (If I can...). Another thing too, I highly recommend using JEI (Just enough Items) mod with this mod, since it will help you with the recipes in the mod.

This mod is for 1.15!

here is an uncompleted wiki. Also can be found on Planet Minecraft,
Also on CurseForge!
This mod is made with Mcreator
Feel Free To Put This Mod In A Modpack, As Long As You Credit!

Minecraft mod files
Neverdark1.0.3.jar - For Minecraft 1.16.4 Uploaded on: 12/25/2020 - 23:15   File size: 15.46 MB
Neverdark1.0.2Revised.jar - Added some balancing biome/other features Uploaded on: 11/11/2020 - 03:41   File size: 10.82 MB
NeverdarkMod1.0.1.jar - For Minecraft 1.15 Uploaded on: 10/25/2020 - 18:58   File size: 13 MB

Version 1.0.1 is out, even if you never saw the first :D

Version 1.0.2 is out, adding a new biome and removing one biome. Also lots of other balancing features.

Version 1.0.3 is out, adding lots of features and 1.16 support!

Great mod! However i can only see 1 new spawn egg in creative! keep up the good work :)

(P.s i have used block bench for a while so if you want help with any models i can help :)
Good luck!

I edited it a bit using JSON, but I believe it's not entirely visible.
You might be thinking of when the sky turns yellow/red/etc sometimes, and that's just because of how dark it is and how lighting reactes to it.

Congratulations for winning Mod of the Week :)
The only thing I'd add to the dimensions is a bit more wildlife (for example some glowing mobs/bugs that managed to adapt to the climate changes) to make it feel a bit less empty and make the users feel better spending time in there :P.

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