Sorcery(No longer supported couldnt find a team)

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In development
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0
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Former developer
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Main Idea -> Survival based pvp and pve sandbox rpg experience focused on combat and loot.

Goals -> 600 Spells/Skills, custom bosses / 300 items not including materials / Dungeons / Radomly Generated Quests.



Mob model and animations:


Some weapon models are made by Axle and some by me.


So Far





- Weaver 100% complete

- Elemental Weaver Lightning 100% complete

- Elemental Weaver Ice 100% complete

- Elemental Weaver Fire 100% complete
- Pyrocleanser 100% complete

- Elemental Weaver Water 100% complete

- Elemental Weaver Wind 100% complete

- Elemental Weaver Earth 100% complete

- Weather Weaver 5% complete

- Dark Weaver 100% complete

- Gravitas 100% complete

- Defender 100% Complete

- Juggernaut 100% complete

- Blood Knight 100% complete

- Fighter 100% Complete

- Swordsman 100% complete

- Slayer 100% complete

- 1 Stave with spells

- 1 Sword with skills

- Rustic Drake Mount

- Rustic Dragon Head

- about 110+ animated spells

- Super Adhesive Block and vial

- 9 Materials

- ~20 Buffs/Debuffs

- Rustic Dragon removed


- 1 animated model currently not implemented cause geckolib isnt supported

- 9 non-animated models

- No structures

- No quest

- UI textures




I need some assistance with the mod. If anyone is interested just comment below. Thank you in advance.


Trello Page that will function as a wiki:




If you are interested in assisting in any way here's a discord link:

What i need?

I have so many templates right now, for textures and procedures so i need someone who can just place numbers in procs and use my templates to create textures for particles and projectiles that is all. Obviously i'll continue making textures and procedures. Also if you want i can add any spell you like as long as you describe it well enough and provide the textures.

Currently i am sitting on 200 spells and continue to make more until i reach 600 and release the survival compatible version. If someone is willing to help out the whole project will finish very quickly. Eitherway thank you for downloading and for checking it out!.




Update for 23/10/22: I havent updated the files for a while i was working on better models for the mod. So far i've made 50 different mobs and i no longer will release stuff up until the mod is in it's fully playable state.








Minecraft mod files
Alpha A.0.22.jar - The older idea Uploaded on: 04/07/2021 - 14:31   File size: 4.81 MB
Sorcery v1.2.0.jar - New File Uploaded on: 05/01/2022 - 19:04   File size: 10.72 MB

Alpha A0.01

-Revamped casting

-Arcanist/Pyromancer/Electromancer/Cryomancer class spells

-Pyromancer/Electromancer/Cryomancer Talents/Passives

-Elemental Auras and Elemental Wall impelmented

- Seal System Added


Alpha A0.02

- 4 Transmutation spells added


Alpha A0.03

- Bugfix: State transmutation and Light/Heavy Transmutation now works


Alpha A0.04

- Hemomancy Spells

- Changed the seals into scrolls

- Marble Block

- Blood Altar (right click with a bottle of blood)

- Vampirism added but it's called Porpheria and makes you a hemomancer by force.


Alpha A0.05

-BUG FIX: Hemomancy

- Enchantement Spells like charm/fear/captivate etc


Alpha A0.06

-Removed passives because of lag will be readded in enchantment form

- Shadow magic in the form of ebonmancer added


Alpha A0.07

- Shadow Monarch class

- Shadow Ghoul ( no animation)


Alpha A0.08

- 3 potions for mana added

- Concentration checker device added

- New type of material added

- Leather Robes for mages

- Removed clutter


Alpha A0.09

- Water Spells

- Fixed enchanter bugs.


Alpha A0.1

- New class added Slayer

- Slayer skills have been added

- Dagger Added

- Strong Mind Passive removed.

- Mage armor updated texture.


Alpha A0.2

- Added Blood Dance Skill.


Alpha A0.3

- Casting Animations for ALL spells

- 3 dagger tiers with varients

- Removed test spells and fixed minor lag issues

- World of darkness Collisions fixed i might improve the visuals of that spell in the future if there's interest


Alpha A0.4

- Removed all previous mechanics, Spells and items

- New spellcasting system, items right-click

-Added Exhaustion resource

- Elemental Weaver Lightning 100% complete

- Elemental Weaver ice 90% complete

-Juggernaut 100% complete

-Blood Knight 100% complete

- Weather Weaver 5% complete

- 7 Staves with spells

- Updated animated textures for all spellcasters

- Bleed potion rework

- Dazed and Immobilized added

- Custom UI 40% Completed


Alpha A0.5

- New skills for Swordsman class

- New Fire Weaver Spells

- Grounded Effect added

- Swordsman 100% completed

- Ice Weaver 100% completed

- Fire Weaver 100% completed

- BUG FIX: Icy Skin now doesn't increase your base armor


Sorcery 1.0

- New Skills for Fighter Class

- Conjured Food Items


Sorcery 1.1

- Removed basic staves (will be re-added)

- 17 Weaver spells

- 1 Unique Ability

- Grounded Effect


Sorcery 1.1.1

- 5 Defender (wall) skills

- 1 Unique Ability

- Taunt / Second Wind / Unstoppable Potion Effects


Sorcery v1.1.2

- Rustic Dragon Boss


Sorcery v1.1.3

- Fixed bugs improved textures


Sorcery v1.1.2.5

- Rustic Dragon Boss small change in the mechanics department

- Adjusted Metal Potion effect

- Added Organic and Rust Potion effects

- Rustic Scales material

-- 1 Unique Ability: 11 Black Children


Sorcery v1.1.4

- Rustic Drake mount

- Unique Dragon Related loot


Sorcery v1.1.5

- Water Weaver Spells Completed

- Water Bottle Tag


Sorcery v1.1.6

- Air Weaver Spells Completed


Sorcery v1.1.7

- Earth Weaver Spells Completed


Sorcery v1.1.8

- Necromancer Acolyte Spells Completed

- Bug Fix: Mastery Damage
- False Lich Boss Added
-Lesser Skeleton Added
- Lesser Skeleton Warrior Added


Sorcery v1.1.85

- Updated and polished VFX for lightning Spells

- Dragon Tooth added


Sorcery v1.1.9

- Added: Dark Weaver Spells

- Added: Gravity Spells

- Fixed: Fireblast now damages targets even if it hits a block.

- Removed: Rustic Dragon

- Removed: Rustic Line of Weapons and loot


Sorcery v1.2.0

- Added: Pyrocleanser Spells
- Added: Unique Defensive Skill Human Torch



Hey guys, would love if someone could help out, i'll credit you of course but i've made 100 spells so far and i am starting to get tired of doing everything alone, textures-models-particles-class balance-class design- procedures etc.

just about to check out the mod! Looks awesome already!

What format of updation do you prefer?
a) Adding 1 new Spell Class list
b) Adding several new Spell class lists before uploading

What Sub-classes would you like to see in the next update? (pick 2)
a)Enchanter ( some kind of illusionist that can charm and fear creatures)
b)Soulmancer ( Ghost related spells like become astral projection and summon ghost)
c)Hemomancer ( A caster that uses blood spells but ill add a curse along basically making you a vampire)
d)Greater Transmutor (A stronger class based on transmutation)
e)Stormage ( Weather related class upgrade of electromancer and cryomancer)
f)Firesage ( A stronger version of a pyromancer)
g)Void Sage (Illusion/darkness class)

If you want something else write a detailed reply to this

as nobody has replied, i will be the first to do so as this mod seems good so far!
answering first question, i don't really care about the format of updation (as i can't play the mod anyways) so do what you want i guess? unless someone else replies

and the other question, hemomancer subclass sounds really cool and i'm interesting on how void sage subclass would work so i'd like those to be added next