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Supplementaries adds many animated and functional decorations and redstone blocks that fit in well with vanilla Minecraft.

I hope you like my first mod :D

After alot of head bashing I managed to port it out of Mcreator in order to update it to 1.16. You can find it here



  • Wind vane: cool decoration blocks that swings depending on the weather and will give off a redstone signal depending if it's raining or thundering
  • Pedestal: acts as an item display and doubles as a column. Try placing one on top of the other!
  • Redstone Illuminator: simple variable light source that stays on by default and decreases its light level depending on the power it receives
  • Planter: used for growing crops without the need of a water source block. Now you can grow them even in the nether!
  • Notice Board: simple block that lets you insert a book it it and will display the content of its first page. You can interact with it with hoppers meaning you can make some interesting contraptions that display a specified text dynamically. Note that the algorithm that displays the first page tries to fill as much space as possible resizing the font accordingly so if it doesn't display as you would want try adding spaces.
  • Crank: basically more powerful version of a lever that lets you choose between 16 different power states as you turn it,
  • Piston Launcher: I've added this one because it's been 5 years and slime blocks + pistons are still inconsistent and bugged as hell. This block does one thing, it push entities about twice as far as the vanilla setup(when it works). Enjoy your new elytra launcher! Oh and for the veterans, yes the shape is an homage to the original piston mod
  • Faucet: when turned on it starts spilling on the ground the inventory of up to two blocks behind it. If you place it in front of a water block (cauldron, water/waterlogged), it will start dripping water particles.
  • Turn Table: when powered it will keep rotating the block that it's facing or the entityes that are standing on it. For a single rotation provide him a short pulse. You can toggle its face to reverse the direction. I've implemented it without tile entity so you can push it but as a side effect it could cause more lag... will need feedback on this one.
  • Clock Block: I'm sure I don't have to explain this one.
  • Jar:  can store 4 buckets or 12 bottles of any vanilla liquids (like honey) as well as fireflies. It basically functions as a shulker box for liquids or a rudimental tank.
  • Firefly: . a passive mob that spawns in plains, roofed forest and swamps. they do nothing except flying around. you can put them in a jar by right clicking one with it.
  • Speaker Block: use it to send a message to players around


Read me!

Currently the mod is development and still WIP, so please if you find any bugs, inconsistency or oversight, as small as they may be, be sure to report them here or send me the crash report in private.

Other feedback on animations, textures and so on is also welcome. 

I'm also open to suggestions, If you have any idea that I think will fit with the theme with them mod post them here and I'll consider adding them.

Finally if you would like to help please contact me. I could use somebody that knows how to make custom sounds.



Possible future additions:

  • laser block
  • bellows
  • display case
  • label
  • fishing net
  • launcher rail
  • blackboard
  • plate
  • block activator
  • some kind of teleportation block



You might notice that I've included a couple of blocks similar to the ones added from other mods. I wanted to point out that everything here, assets included was made by myself (of mojang of course) and I only took some inspirations and ideas which I really liked from other mods that, unfortunately, aren't available for 1.15.


Minecraft mod files
Supplementaries-0.6.4.jar - fixed server issues Uploaded on: 10/23/2020 - 13:28   File size: 618.95 KB
Supplementaries-0.6.5.jar - Turn table now is a tile entity. As such it should cause less lag but It can't be moved by pistons anymore. It now can rotate bl Uploaded on: 10/27/2020 - 12:17   File size: 611.84 KB
Supplementaries-0.7.0.jar - Added speaker blocks. minor bug fixes Uploaded on: 10/29/2020 - 13:51   File size: 634.14 KB
Supplementaries-0.7.1.jar - Added wall lanterns and speaker blocks particles Uploaded on: 11/02/2020 - 22:19   File size: 646.1 KB

Turn table now is a tile entity. As such it should cause less lag but It can't be moved by pistons anymore. It now can rotate blocks like signs.

Changed sign post recipe so it's different from the slab one.

Pedestals can display custom item names

I don't understand, but there is already a mod called Supplementaries exactly the same

Ain't no way this mod is from MCreator :D
I was adding some mods to my modpack and a bunch of them just clicked in my head, so I went to check the MCreator page, and GODDAMN THIS ONE TOO!?

Hey! I'm making a mod that will add some new display blocks (similar to your pedestals), and i was wondering if you coud help me write the code for that. It will help me a lot and take a lot of time into the creation of my mod!

Models here are amazing! I hope you store all versions of this mod? Like, I'm really thankful there's still 0.6.5 version available, because I'm not sure if "speaker block" didn't ruin the atmosphere :D so it would be cool to see CurseForge site with all versions someday. And maybe even some kind of wiki or something, because I can be wrong about speaker blocks, but I don't want to test it XD

This mod is my inspiration to make furniture mod this probably the best mod out there. Question though how did you make some of the blocks? it looks like it cant be made by mcreator. and pls if you know how to code do you know where should I start coding or what to learn?

Thanks. So most of the blocks use custom code. The rendering part is what I like doing the most and one of the first thing I've learned but unfortunately you can't do that using mcreator code blocks, which I've never actually used apart from testing pourposes. If you want to know how to code start like I did right here. Just make mcreator generate something, then look at the code it generated or at the vanilla code. Then watch some youtube tutorials like McJty's one and then set up a proper environment using IntelliJ ide. Mcreator is very good for learning and I sometimes come back to it when I don't know how to make code for something so I can see how it's doing it and understand what needs to be done.