So almost a year ago, I announced I would be stopping working on MCreator, but it does not seem like that happened. So what does this mean? Read on.
A recap
To recap a bit, I open-sourced MCreator around a year ago and soon after announced I am stopping development due to lack of time due to day job and school. Things settled down a bit due to the pandemic and also due to some unpredictable changes in my life. We also got along with the developer team, so I decided to carry on with development for a bit longer.
But this "longer" now became a year :D Some users are now becoming impatient and are asking when forks (MCToolkit) that promised continuation will come out and if I am leading them on about what is actually happening. That is definitely not true. As I stated many times, things in my life changed due to unpredictable factors I could not foresee. But this opens another question, what is going to happen in the future then?
So, what now?
So as we can see, I am not a future teller, so we can only make plans and try to stick with them and hope unpredictable things will not happen. I can predict that I will be able to work on MCreator as it is now for probably around half a year, but then my private life will undergo some more changes that I can't predict the impact on MCreator properly just yet.
I have talked with the bigger contributors about the situation, and we came up with two options that could happen in the future:
- MCreator is developed for some more time while I have time to work on it as I do now, then contributors start their own fork as it was already planned, but delayed.
- Bigger contributors become more active in the field of fixing bugs and reviewing pull requests (and after a while possibly merging them too) and I can step back a bit and have time to still maintain and steer MCreator as it is and it lives on because it is no longer that big-time consumer for me.
We also talked about MCToolkit. They are preparing their own statement on this too, but in short, the project will wait for the potential ending of MCreator if option 1 happens. This is so we don't introduce incompatibilities between workspaces and split our workforce and make two incompatible and unmergeable projects. If option 2 happens, developers of MCToolkit (that are also major contributors of MCreator) will become more involved in maintaining and steering MCreator to take some load off me. What will happen with the fork, in this case, is not fully clear yet. Its developers are thinking of making a mod maker for other games in the long term in that case.
The plan
So what option will happen and when? That depends a lot on how my future will turn, and I can't predict this, so I will do my best to keep you updated on this and keep it as transparent as possible, keeping doubts and speculations at a minimum. I will also keep close contact with contributors so we evaluate if we are ready for option 2 in the future.
Sadly this post does not answer how MCreator will look in the future as this is not possible to predict. What I can do is keep the process as transparent as possible, and this is the reason behind this post. I hope I cleared up at least some of the confusion and questions with this. Stay awesome!
Good luck Klemen, good luck....
I know what it means, as I have to do an exam tomorrow, on the 22nd, so , I can only support you saying that MCreator changed a bit my life: it introduced me to modding and programming, things that I always wanted to learn but due to school, I couldn't. Next year, starting this summer, I'll learn how to programm and probably I won't need MCreator anymore, but I'll always keep in mind which program made me a Minecraft modder... Thanks :D
I am amazed at how much you have advanced, they have made an incredible program that allowed me to create a dream.
I am still not able to contribute as I need to learn a lot, but I would like to do it at some point.
Come on, I know it can and that we are going to make mcreator even better than it already is, the second option is good in my opinion and it would help you a lot in this.
Many thanks to you and the pylo team for creating this wonderful community and program, greetings.