The forge mod

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The forge mod aims to improve the mining experience in your survival worlds, for this the mod adds more than 15 new ores and more than 20 new blocks, which will be found in the Overwold and one in the Nether, in its most of these minerals are metallic, some very common and some very rare; with these new minerals you will have many new things to do, the main one being metallic alloys, try combining different metals on the alloys table.

With this wide variety of metals you can make tools, armor (some of which you can customize by painting) and new mechanisms, each of them taking advantage of the properties of the metals you use (there are light, resistant, soft, sharp, etc). If you further explore the possibilities of all minerals you can create very useful things, such as the implementation of electrical energy to charge different things, such as armor and some types of golems, this brings us to the next part: the entities.

The mod has 6 new entities, 3 of them are golems, one is a defense machine and the other 2 are formidable hostile creatures that you will have to take good care of. The golems will be good allies in the protection of your camp, especially one of them which can be mounted and controlled, as I mentioned before you must charge certain objects with energy, this last golem needs to be charged for its activation, as well as the defense machine previously mentioned is also dependent on electricity.

Finally, the forge mod generates different structures throughout the Overworld, in them there are great rewards, but also great dangers, one of the new hostile creatures protects the treasures of these structures, as additional protection in these structures there are natural deposits of Sulfuric acid, be very careful to touch this acid as it is as lethal as falling into lava.

Hope you enjoy the forge mod.

Minecraft mod files
The forge mod 1.0.0.jar Uploaded on: 12/03/2021 - 22:16   File size: 6.84 MB

ah this is going to be a bad mo- woah woah what the hell is the quality of those beautiful textures!

Hello everyone, just wanted to tell you that I have updated the mod, now it is in english, it was in spanish before because it is my first language ¯\_( ❛ ͜ʖ ❛ )_/¯ In some next update I could include both languages , but for the moment it will stay in english.

I really like your mod, but the default translation of mods should be English, with other languages added as translations. Fix that and resubmit for MOTW next week ;)