Mobs Genus!

Upvotes: 20
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In development
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Mod adds new types of mobs, that are genetically connected!

This mod needs patchouli to work!

-Frozen Creeper (Ice Genus)
-Desert Creeper (Sand Genus)
-Decaying Enderman (Decaying Genus)
-Decapitated Zombie (Decaying Genus)
-Decaying Creeper (Decaying Genus)
-Shrooper (Mushroom Creeper - Mushroom Genus)
-Decaying Piglin (Decaying Genus)
-Warped Piglin (Overgrown Genus)
-Basalt Piglin (Overgrown Genus)
-Overgrown Skeleton (Overgrown Genus)
-Iced Zombie Steve (Ice Genus)
-Iced Zombie Alex (Ice Genus)
-Iced Creeper (Ice Genus)
-Desert Enderman (Sand Genus)
-Great Hunger (Superior Genus)
-Lurker (Water Genus)
-Crimson Zombie(Overgrown Genus)
-Warped Zombie(Overgrown Genus)
-Warped Bug (Bug Genus)
-Crimson Bug (Bug Genus)
-Plant Zombie(Overgrown Genus)
-Skeleton Sectarian (Humanoid Genus)
-Desert Exiled Enderman (Sand Genus)
-Wandering Desert Enderman
-Desert Hunger (Sand Genus)
-Drowned Enderman (Water Genus)
-Drowned Zombie Mutant (Water Genus)
-Superior Strider (Superior Genus)
-Planted Skeleton(Overgrown Genus)
-Baby Blaze (Under Genus)
-Skeleton Strider(Overgrown Genus)
-Soul Creeper(Overgrown Genus)
-Soul Zombie (Overgrown Genus)
-Basalt Strider(Overgrown Genus)
-Knight Blaze (Superior Genus)
-Basalt Blaze(Overgrown Genus)
-Soul Blaze(Overgrown Genus)
-Warped Creeper(Overgrown Genus)
-Crimson Creeper(Overgrown Genus)
-Overgrown Enderman (Overgrown Genus)
-Frozen Turtle (Ice Genus)
-Snapping Turtle (Overgrown Genus)
-Coral Turtle (Overgrown Genus)
-Water Blue Turtle (Water Genus)
-Terrapagus (Superior Genus)
-Jellyfish (Under Genus)
-Blaze Emperor (Superior Genus)
And More

Want your own server to play this mod on? Use code POLTERGEIST to receive 25% your first month with BisectHosting! Recommend at least 3GB of RAM!

My discord:



Minecraft mod files
mobsgenus-0.4.jar Uploaded on: 12/13/2021 - 16:42   File size: 880.29 KB

-First upload

-new logo

Congratulations on your 4th MOTW! If continue, you will become the user having the most MOTW.
Textures are once again very nice!

How do I download it I'm using a kindle can you please tell me Please I can't make my own load Looks typo To in fact Another typo Well Please Tell me how I can make a mode or download this Type again Okay

Congratulations for winning Mod of the Week :)

Your mod was also promoted on our official subreddit ( and Facebook page (

Looks cool, can't wait to see what you come up with next :) I really like the patchouli integration btw!