Trash Bin

Published by Marvvinekk on
Upvotes: 3
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Trash Bin is a simple vanilla-friendly mod, adding a trash bin to your gameplay. Instead of boringly removing unwanted items in lava, get yourself a trash bin and throw out your items in a more fancy way!





You can join me on my server Marwinekk's mods to see how my mods are being developed. Also, if you like my modding style, you can suggest what next QoL mod I could do for you!

Join the discord or donate to support me, so I can improve the mods' quality with more advanced programs!

If you wish to use this in a modpack, feel free to do so and let me know if you do!

Minecraft mod files
Trash - text file with link to curseforge Uploaded on: 01/04/2022 - 12:06   File size: 231 bytes

1)Forge 1.18.2 port with minor bug fixes

You can report any other bugs on my discord:

-Refreshed trash bin's model rendering in player's hand
-Trash bin can now be mined much faster with a pickaxe

If you encounter any bugs, make sure to report them on my discord server ->

3) 1.19.2 PORT!

Some small bug fixes and improvements

I have a similar block in my first ever MCreator mod, it had a block "Item Vanisher", it had one inventory slot, an input one, a button saying "Vanish!", and a text on the top saying "Item Vanisher". You put an item in, click the button, and the item disappeared. I spent some time on trying to hook it up to a button.